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What to pay per pound for computers?

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  1. #1
    mudlight2 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    What to pay per pound for computers?

    There is a scrap yard I goto that has a pile of computers. I want to talk to the boss and see about getting them. The guy at the scale said they get 30 cents a pound. I did look at the computers. All of them at least have a mother board. But most of them are full of stuff. As in complete systems. So what should I offer. If any of you buy from a yard let me know what you pay. Please if you can. I'm thinking about offering 40-50 cents a pound. I know the weights vary. I don't want an offer to much. But I really want these computers. It's a big pile. Here is a picture. Let me know what you guys think.

  2. #2
    ParkerFlyer4's Avatar
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    .30 per lb. is high already. say the computers weigh 15 to 25 lbs each thats 4.50 to 7.50 each. not much wiggle room for scrap. As much as you may want them, I'd walk away. You will loose out by paying .40 to .50 per lb.

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  4. #3
    Swampy's Avatar
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    I'm trying to work a deal with our local school system. There is some kind of weirdness going on. They just got rid of a ton of stuff (PCs, laptops, etc.) that I tried to get. Supposedly, they have some "leftovers" they are going to contact me about, but my guess is it will be less desirable stuff. I will pick it up anyway, just to get that much of a foot in the door. Anyway, the weird part is that the yard here only pays shred for those items (at least that is what they told me when I asked). The guy over this in the school system said they take it to that yard. I told him that I could pay a little better than shred and they wouldn't have to use their staff and vehicles to haul it. He went silent on me after that.

    Anyway, I was hoping for free, but of course can pay something for the material. Like you, I want to be careful not to overpay.

    **edit** it wasn't literally a ton, just a whole lot of items beyond the PCs and laptops (projectors, monitors, etc.)**

  5. #4
    ryanw's Avatar
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    0.40-0.50/lb could be possible if you are reselling parts. Unfortunately, scrap yard computers aren't great for that...and these are outside and really look bad. 0.30/lb is high right now, but possibly doable. See if you can get it for 0.25/lb, and mention that you will be selling the ferrous and non-ferrous back to them.

    Also, you'll do the loading, and they won't have to palletize them.
    Last edited by ryanw; 04-19-2014 at 08:30 AM.

  6. #5
    Maiwand is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I don't know if you should offer any more than 0.20 -0.25 per pound. Just because they say they get 0.30 a pound doesn't mean that they always get that much. You could always pay a fixed price like $2-5 per computer. A question for others do you take the monitor as well when you buy whole computers or they too much of a hassle?

  7. #6
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    .22 cents/lb...........have walked away from alot more than that just based on principle....LOL

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  9. #7
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    Call the yard and ask what they pay for computers. What someone tells you in person sometimes varies greatly from what you get over the phone especially if they think you are interested in buying them. Its possible the scale guy already has a deal in place and may be scaring off the competition. Most I ever heard a yard paying for computers here is .25 and thats because they process them on site and sell to a buyer.
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  11. #8
    mudlight2 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRASSCATCHER View Post
    Call the yard and ask what they pay for computers. What someone tells you in person sometimes varies greatly from what you get over the phone especially if they think you are interested in buying them. Its possible the scale guy already has a deal in place and may be scaring off the competition. Most I ever heard a yard paying for computers here is
    .25 and thats because they process them on site and sell to a buyer.

    Thanks everybody for the responses. I was thinking that may be high. And they pay shred price for computers but
    They just don't put them in the shred pile. I am gonna call them Monday. He told me who to ask for. I am gonna try to buy by the pound. But then again. If I could buy them by what is in there. I think that would be good to. And also telling them I will sell the cases and whatnot back to them is a great idea. If this works out. I'll have a real steady stream of computers. Which is what I want/need. Another thing, the scale guy said they have a buyer. But he couldn't come often. Cuz that pile is pretty big. Bigger than last Time I was there. So if they have a buyer. He doesn't come by often. So maybe I could also make a set pick up every week or something similar. Anyways. I'll let yall know what happens.

  12. #9
    auminer's Avatar
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    I will not go over a quarter... somply not worth it. And that .25 is only for a LARGE (100+) lot. Free is best, 20 cents if I have to for anything else.
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  14. #10
    CTscrapman's Avatar
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    If you can pick and chose you could do well. my yard lets me buy them for $.55/lb I know that sounds high but i only buy the core 2 or better. Just this week I pulled out a 2tb and a 750gb hdd both worked and a gigabyte motherboard that worked BOOM. Plus the newer ones are much lighter saves you $$. All yards are different though so good luck on your endevor.

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  16. #11
    1956's Avatar
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    I don't do much with e-scrap so I might be mistaken, just can not grasp paying more than 5.00 a piece not to mention most of the high dollar goodies are usually missing from scrap yard piles, am I off that much in assuming $10-12 bucks scrap value. Can't be to much second hand value selling being the pile is out doors and getting rained on.maybe that's why I do not do much E-Scrap am I not seeing the big picture?????

  17. #12
    ParkerFlyer4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1956 View Post
    I don't do much with e-scrap so I might be mistaken, just can not grasp paying more than 5.00 a piece not to mention most of the high dollar goodies are usually missing from scrap yard piles, am I off that much in assuming $10-12 bucks scrap value. Can't be to much second hand value selling being the pile is out doors and getting rained on.maybe that's why I do not do much E-Scrap am I not seeing the big picture?????
    Buying from a scrap yard, stored outside. You can just assume the re sale value is gone. So its just scrap.

    Most of the "hi value" things might or might not be gone. So you take that into account when naming your price, and lean towards the low end.

    A fully loaded computer can get you anywhere from $11 - $15 each, while gutted ones could get you anywhere from .50 to $11 each. It all depends on what is inside, and who you sell to. Without examining the computers I wont pay more than $4 each. Time is money too.

    By weight, computers can weigh anywhere from 10 lbs to as much as 30-35lbs for some. So paying by weight can bite you in the butt if you pay too much. .15 to .20 is as high as I will pay. There are too many variables to gamble paying .30 or more.

    This forum has glorified computer scrapping to many people who would normally never touch them. Don't overpay just because you 'have gold in your eyes' and want to get ahold of some computers. Remember you could be taking business from someone else also.

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  19. #13
    mudlight2 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I thoroughly looked through this pile. I'd say 80% percent of them were complete. With everything inside. Only a few were not complete. I believe I am gonna ask the guy. Can I come and pick the ones I want for 5 bucks a piece. And mention selling him the ferrous and non ferrous back to him.

  20. #14
    ParkerFlyer4's Avatar
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    Go for it. Cant hurt to try.

  21. #15
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    If your talking strictly scrap computers any thing above absolutely 20/25 per lb is what is driving us out of business.

    1. They are paying 6/8 per lb if any thing.
    2. most yards don't want to mess with tearing them down.
    3. buyers have introduced several categories of parts. ( lg socket/small socket,P4 etc that has lowered our yield per unit.)
    4.The average now runs between 8/10 value for a whole unit with all parts.
    5. Don't forget to add transportation cost to your load.
    6. The last 2 loads I bought at current price lost me about $250.
    Be aware of Gold Fever, it's real.
    7. Remember when dealing with a yard owner or manager, your 98 out of 100 times dealing with the same business acumen as a pawn broker. Just my .02
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 04-20-2014 at 10:16 PM.
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

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  23. #16
    mudlight2 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Well I'm gonna bank on laziness and lack of knowledge. They don't want to tear them down I do. They don't have a steady buyer. I do. So we shall see.

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    I didn't intend to discourage you in any way just offering some insight and tips. Good luck hope it works out.

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  26. #18
    mudlight2 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    making and old post new again. I went back there today. the pile is growing. i talked to the scale guy. he said they havent sold any of them for a while. he wasnt sure if they are waiting to sale for a certain reason or not. as of right now. what would the best wasy to offer to buy. regular scrap is 9 cents a lb right now. that is what they pay for the computers. should I offer per pound or per computer. I looked them over again. most of them are full. as in they have everything in them. some 1 stick of ram. some 4 sticks of rams and so on. every single one i saw had a motherboard and then some. i wanna jump on this. but i want to land on my feet! what would you guys offer? and how would you offer to buy these?

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  28. #19
    ryanw's Avatar
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    Today, I would offer them 0.20/lb. Plus sell the steel back to them.

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  30. #20
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryanw View Post
    Today, I would offer them 0.20/lb. Plus sell the steel back to them.
    bump that up a little by promising to sell them the aluminum and wire as well.
    Currently looking for a job in or related to scrap/recycling. Relocation is possible for the right offer.

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