OK, that was an old saying when you think you find something great, but are mistaken. (Thought it was spaghetti but it's snot)
It's amazing the connections you make eventually that may only get ahold of you once in a while, but still manage to call YOU when they have some stuff.
This particular person is a young vintage computer enthusiast. He knew I had an old TSR-80 that did not even test as fully functional, but he wanted it and I was more than happy to make a trade with him for a good bunch of computer scrap. A little bit of everything including some towers, all kinds of parts and an old Pentium pro server. This server had the possibility of having 4 processors in it. I got to work tearing into it and I could see the 2 processor boards. (each dual) There was only one processor in there. Shucks.
I finish tearing it down and I was really disappointed. While it was indeed an Intel Pentium Pro processor, it didn't have the gold face. It was a brown fiber board with a thin sheet of aluminum and a black surface area.
Oh well, I still have yet to get me the good one.
I thought it was spaghetti, but it's not.