Originally Posted by
they do not use brass or copper to "connect" electronics (like on a card edge).....silver or gold plate. Now you MIGHT see some boards that have a more coppery color (lower grade stuff form printers, faxes etc) around the edges, BUT they will not plug into anything...ie not a "finger board"...they use gold and silver due to conductivity and corrosion resistance...brass and copper are easily tarnished and would affect conductivity....
Look in the sticky threads for in the electronic forum...there are several about component identification...they will show you what a "finger" board looks like if you are unfamiliar....they will ALL be gold or silver...I have never seen anything different in all of my experience with computer dating back to the mid 1980's
Not to be too picky I think a blanket statement is premature on the fact that they don't use Cu on fingers. On low end electronics I have seen Cu fingers in slot connectors. I have also seen them in some higher end audio video components.
But for the most part they will be gold plated or tinned (silvery color). I have only seen silver on finger ends on rare occasions and on memory once (it was old IBM). silver plate will create a sulfide "the black part" on the exposed part.
(just trying to correct facts)