I'm thinking of higher firepower, too. I was assuming that wedging them apart would be the easy way.
I was thinking about making a jig to hold the box in place while using a hydraulic cylinder with a wedge attached. For power, I think one of these is manly enough:
Would a manly diesel powered splitter ram split the box in half, or create a giant mess and end in chaos? I'm assuming that a farm implement cylinder would drive a wedge through it, slicing the lockbox in half?
I conveniently have access to a farm tractor, and some cylinders, so I thought that it might be a huge time saver. I have about 100-150 of these boxes to do. Plus, a diesel powered splitter is pretty manly, right

Don't worry- if I do this, I'll post a video.
Now, hardened steel is classed as scrap iron, right?
Any ideas? Will I even make any money on these?