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Ewaste?? Was it the next big thing?

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    mikeinreco started this thread.
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    Ewaste?? Was it the next big thing?

    Seems Ewaste has dropped off alot in value.......I am glad I got into it as I now have dedicated my whole garage to ebay and computer repair......I bought 65 units from scrap yard last week and pulled all usable parts and just stacked rest in storage......Didn't excite me to much to break them down due to prices.........Was Ewaste the "The Next Big Thing" that has kind of lost it's steam?..........I still do send stuff to Ewasted and a few other buyers but it seems alot of those that popped up when things were going well have fizzled out..........I know this has been discussed before but what do other ewaste guys see as the future........SO far the future for me is re-selling usable items (another form of recycling)........Oh well just my thoughts today as I was trying to break down some scrap I had laying around the back yard

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    phred59's Avatar
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    when you see the precious metal rally after the first of the year, it will take back off. that's why i am hoarding, shipping only small loads off to different buyers... to test the waters with each of them and see who i plan on using later on. the last time it took off was when gold went from 600 to 1800. all of a sudden people were popping up trying to buy precious metals in any form possible. now that it's slipped back down to the 1200 range, a lot of the guys that weren't truly sustainable businesses lost their a$$ because they were trying to ride another upswing that hasn't come yet and they couldn't withstand the wait, sold off for a loss and disappeared back to the 9-5 schedule trying to pay off their new debt. That's not the case for the true businesses that buy and sell according to the market flux. But anyone that is sitting on a stockpile that they are placing a bet on using a credit card... is going to either win big, lose big... or run out of time to find out.
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    Ewaste has lost its steam due to decline in the metals market. As far as newer buyers who come and go, i think they realize its not as easy as it looks. I dont resell but I am refining as much as I can. I can process fingers to the point where I can make alot more than selling them. Looking into turning that into a small business in the near future, so I guess for me that is the next big thing.
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    MattyNoNeck's Avatar
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    Well, I’m new to scrapping in general and even more new to eWaste. That said, I don’t think we’ve seen the end of it.

    The precious metals market can be a bit of a roller coaster. As we saw back in…I think it was 2010 or 2011, everything spiked (I bought my first few ounces of silver back then) and then it crashed and burned. We are seeing the lowest prices in a long while. Catalytic converter prices are dropping as well due to the same reasons. Are cats the Next Big Thing as well? I think we’ve seen that they aren’t.

    If you want to talk about Next Big Things, take a look at Bitcoin (and other cryptocurrencies). It spiked when everyone was excited about it, then it fell, and now it’s back on a slow but steady rise. Yet, people are still making money off of it and either buying or building miners. Hell, I almost wish my yard paid in Bitcoin!

    But back to eWaste. Precious metals have driven our economies since almost the dawn of human civilization. And the fact that their chemical compositions actually help our growing and more complex technologies as opposed to just looking shiny, to me, ensures that it will all have a place in our business for a long while. If there is a demand, and there is supply, there will be money to be made.

    If this is the time when the opportunists or the folks that want to “get rich quick” bow out, I say let them! It gives us a chance to get our foot into more doors than before, secure those contracts, make the customers and clients happy and become “the big guys.” I forget who it is on this forum, but someone has the quote in their signature “profit begins when you buy, not when you sell.” This is the time to buy and make your name known. Seize the day.
    "Don't try to be a great man, just be a man. Let history make its own judgments"

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  9. #5
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    If your sitting on ewaste i hope its material that you paid very little for or nothing at all. Guessing on when the market will go up is a losing bet. If you get it and can sell at a profit always take the money. I think the days of 1800 an ounce and 3.50 for small socket mobos are long gone. If you can process it or know someone who can its an investment for the future.

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  11. #6
    MattyNoNeck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRASSCATCHER View Post
    If your sitting on ewaste i hope its material that you paid very little for or nothing at all. Guessing on when the market will go up is a losing bet. If you get it and can sell at a profit always take the money. I think the days of 1800 an ounce and 3.50 for small socket mobos are long gone. If you can process it or know someone who can its an investment for the future.
    I'll sit on "the good stuff" as long as I need to. Mobos and the other big, bulky stuff will get shipped out just to save space

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  13. #7
    phred59's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRASSCATCHER View Post
    If your sitting on ewaste i hope its material that you paid very little for or nothing at all. Guessing on when the market will go up is a losing bet. If you get it and can sell at a profit always take the money. I think the days of 1800 an ounce and 3.50 for small socket mobos are long gone. If you can process it or know someone who can its an investment for the future.
    oh no worries my man i know what im doing. i buy and sell still the same, i just hang on to the stuff that i can store easily and have no money tied up into.

    I'll buy a pallet of towers, usually P4 XP, that's what are being replaced the most frequently right now. Optiplex's everywhere. and I'll pick them up for about $3 ea. I go through them all, decide which ones i am going to refurb and sell on CL. I might have to even buy a part or two, but I'll wind up with about 10 functional machines out of 20-25 of them. I sell off the functional towers usually around $70-$80 ea. Usually sell 2-3/week.

    I take all of the ferrous scrap to the yard immediately, which 10-15 optiplex shells usually wins up yielding about $9-$12. I don't even count that as anything. I put it in the gas tank on the way back from that 2 mile drive. And as soon as I sell 1 tower on CL, I have made my money back. I make profit on these deals usually before I even touch the scrap portion. So anything I decide to sit on, has been paid for for weeks. I have another 3 scrappers in the area that brings me any PCs or Laptops that they find and I pay them by the lb. - double what the yard gives for them (local yard gives shred price for PCs .09/lb. so I pay them $.18 and everyone wins). These I process seperately, I hoard the CPU HD boards, CD boards and RAM, and ship off the MB and Fingercards to forum buyers. Just tried out my 4th one this past week. This way that cashflow doesn't lose steam and stays with the current market. If I pay out $50 i usually have about 12 desktops and a couple laptops, and assuming none of them are refurb worthy and i break them all down, within a week I have a check back for about $30-40 for the MB & FC, scrapped the shells, power supplies, copper and ali to recoup the rest of my investment, and and I kept all of the parts I wanted to keep. Total amount risked in hoarding these parts? $0

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  15. #8
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Count me out of the club that thinks it's time has come an gone. Electronic waste recycling will be here as long as we have electronics. Just like scrapping metal an cars will be around long as we have both.

    I do just fine focusing on mainly ewaste. I don't focus on resales like a lot of you. I do them, but their not my end all be all profit maker I can assure you. I still take TV's tho to, an folks be swearing up an down they would dry up for the last two years...still no lack of tubes on my sandbar.

    I think your burned out personally Mike. When your finding yourself not wanting to break things down, an the me that sounds like being burned out on the work. Perhaps take time off an focus on your resales an come back to the break downs when you feel back in tune with the work.

    I do keep more an more for refining, but i still sell what I get. Don't plan to stop anytime soon either.

    The product is out there, an there is still plenty of money to be made. When the metal prices drop, folks buying prices should be dropping to. Just makes sense. I know mine have in some areas. I pay less for certain items now then I would have in the past, an it's not hurting me any. People around me at lest are working more an more jobs opening up, so their not upset to see my prices drop from 5 a tower to 4, etc.

    I'll be honest..I'm not sad to see lower prices for some stuff. It means the people doing this for quick cash an think they'll get rich quick will find some other new an fast cash making thing to do. ( I'm in no way insulting part timers, or hobbyists. Both to me are real scrappers. I refer to the ones who think they can make a million bucks doing this cause it's so easy an there is a troy oz in every computer. When the reality's hard work an far from easy.)

    I'll be doing this till I can't make a profit. I adjust pricing as needed, an still get free stuff all the time on top of what I buy.

    Far as buyers..I agree with BC. Some just get in over their heads, or don't realize the amount of work that goes into being a big time buyer like Ewasted, Easy, etc.

    Your welcome for the novel.

    Sirscrapalot - I just dropped my Reese cup in a puddle.

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  17. #9
    mikeinreco started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by phred59 View Post
    oh no worries my man i know what im doing. i buy and sell still the same, i just hang on to the stuff that i can store easily and have no money tied up into.

    I'll buy a pallet of towers, usually P4 XP, that's what are being replaced the most frequently right now. Optiplex's everywhere. and I'll pick them up for about $3 ea. I go through them all, decide which ones i am going to refurb and sell on CL. I might have to even buy a part or two, but I'll wind up with about 10 functional machines out of 20-25 of them. I sell off the functional towers usually around $70-$80 ea. Usually sell 2-3/week.

    I take all of the ferrous scrap to the yard immediately, which 10-15 optiplex shells usually wins up yielding about $9-$12. I don't even count that as anything. I put it in the gas tank on the way back from that 2 mile drive. And as soon as I sell 1 tower on CL, I have made my money back. I make profit on these deals usually before I even touch the scrap portion. So anything I decide to sit on, has been paid for for weeks. I have another 3 scrappers in the area that brings me any PCs or Laptops that they find and I pay them by the lb. - double what the yard gives for them (local yard gives shred price for PCs .09/lb. so I pay them $.18 and everyone wins). These I process seperately, I hoard the CPU HD boards, CD boards and RAM, and ship off the MB and Fingercards to forum buyers. Just tried out my 4th one this past week. This way that cashflow doesn't lose steam and stays with the current market. If I pay out $50 i usually have about 12 desktops and a couple laptops, and assuming none of them are refurb worthy and i break them all down, within a week I have a check back for about $30-40 for the MB & FC, scrapped the shells, power supplies, copper and ali to recoup the rest of my investment, and and I kept all of the parts I wanted to keep. Total amount risked in hoarding these parts? $0
    Agreed......Trust me I have made plenty and saved every penny.......I do the same thing.....If I sell a couple of computers out of a lot then the scrap is free.......I to am sending small loads off just to keep a few bucks rolling in..........Ewaste was my primary source of income there for a little while but now has become secondary and almost like a 3rd stream of income.........Oh well when someone figures out what "THE NEXT BIG THING" is will you let me know before it happens!!

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  19. #10
    mikeinreco started this thread.
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    SIR SCRAPS I think your right......I have not stopped buying and I am by no means desperate or going out of biz........I bought over 100 towers this week alone!!...LOL...I know that may be small taters for some of you guys but I'm averaging several 100 per month either resale, wholesale, or scrap......As long as I make more than what I paid I'm happy!!!

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  21. #11
    phred59's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    Agreed......Trust me I have made plenty and saved every penny.......I do the same thing.....If I sell a couple of computers out of a lot then the scrap is free.......I to am sending small loads off just to keep a few bucks rolling in..........Ewaste was my primary source of income there for a little while but now has become secondary and almost like a 3rd stream of income.........Oh well when someone figures out what "THE NEXT BIG THING" is will you let me know before it happens!!
    I'm never really looking for the next big thing. I just roll along with it. I agree with a lot of what SirS said too. I am more of a part timer/hobbyist and do not rely on scrap to pay my bills. If I were, I would look at it completely differently. I understand how it all works, and that is the main reason why i got in with some of the full timers in the area as their ewaste buyer. I don't have to hunt it down, it comes to my door after a phone call, and they make twice as much.

    I guess at the end of the day, I am trusting my hoarded ewaste as my savings account more than I trust my savings account as my savings account. I couldn't operate the same if I were scrutinizing my checking account instead.

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  23. #12
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    Interesting topic. I'm able to sit on ewaste because I don't need the income and selling the other componets supports my ewaste expenses. I have a long term goal for the small horde of ewaste that is several years into the future. Even with the long time line I feel very uncertain if this has any wisdom to it at all. Perhaps I should be selling my ewaste and learning how to hold onto money instead.

    As far as my future I will continue to process ewaste but since picking up a new accout my focus has changed. Mostly I am getting audio, video and lab equipment. Not as sexy and much more difficult ot dismantle than computers but the returns are quicker and I still get ewaste from the material I am now getting. Much of the lab equipment has enclosures made of Al and has SS and Brass componets. Also many include small ewaste boards, some even have large boards. I hope to see others contribute to this thread. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  25. #13
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    Ok, dumb question. Will people actually buy old XP machines? I didn't think they'd be resellable. I may have thrown some cash into the scrap pile again...

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  27. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by MattyNoNeck View Post
    Ok, dumb question. Will people actually buy old XP machines? I didn't think they'd be resellable. I may have thrown some cash into the scrap pile again...
    depends on your area

    and I couldn't resist this...sorry for anyone who's ears bleed, you have no taste in music lol
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    It's hard for me to imagine there being a market for the XP towers in this area. Most are running a 500 or 800 mhz front side bus and that's a real limiting factor. They seem to be awful slow on the web. Folks seem to be going to small and portable things like laptops,tablets, i-phones, etc.

    I haven't seen any towers that i could pick up free & scrap out in weeks. It seems like the supply of high grade stuff has run dry and even the mid-grade items have dropped off. There's no shortage of "Bubble Backs" and i'm even seeing more flat screens coming in. Going by the dates of manufacture many are less than six years old. The quality isn't very good.

    Anyway ... I don't know if it's a seasonal thing or if it's a harbinger of things to come.

    I did discontinue buying as of October 1st. It was well worth a try for a couple of years but it's very time consuming. In the end the juice just wasn't worth the squeeze. I can make more in one day on the jobsite than i can in a month of e-waste. Time is precious so you have to pick & choose the things that yield the most result for your efforts. It's just a rainy day hobby now.

    I know i've said it before but i think we've entered the deflationary phase of the recession. If we've been six to seven years on the inflationary side of it we might be another six or seven years before things begin to level out. What happens with a deflation is that money becomes scarce. Prices drop over a period years.

    If the dollar strengthens PM's will drop accordingly. Prior to the inflationary economic policies that overheated the economy from 1999 to 2006 gold was fixed at about 320.00 USD/oz.

    < shrugs > It's all relative. If gold drops to 320.00$ your dollar will buy more at the store.

    Anyone for gasoline at 1.00$ a gallon ?

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    I only ship out circuit boards when I get one Gaylord full, minimum. Concentrating on commercial customers.
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  33. #17
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    Its getting tougher and tougher to buy computers. I'm not sure what outlet some of these guys have for them but these "xp" machines (usually P4) still can reach 10.00+. I'm now buying at MB ($2.25) + steel or I pass. I think 3.50-4.00 is a good range right now unless it is a LOT of volume. I have had much better luck price wise on things like switches.

    While I hoard memory and processors (just toss them into the bin), when I start hitting about 30# I usually cave in and send them to a buyer.

    Its a commodity just like any other commodity. Your rolling the dice. Gold could continue to drop, hit 800.00 oz, and take YEARS to get back to where it is now. But of course we are 1 bomb in the middle east from gold hitting 1700.00 again. Never know.

    I don't think its a passing fad, I just think there was a bubble with gold near 1700.00. Everyone jumped on the band wagon, now they are starting to realize that there is a lot less low hanging fruit. You can grind out ewaste with lower margins or find other more creative things to scrap.

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    I've been after commercial and large IT support company level e waste contracts. My tower prices I'll buy them at are anywhere from 3 each to 6 each. I usually pay attention to the dollar to gauge how gold might swing. It helps that I'm growing my volume and can afford to lower my margins to increase volume even further, such as on memory.

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  37. #19
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    As for the next thing in ewaste I have been wondering what new ewaste now will be worth in the future when there is lots of it to scrap. I was thinking the other day that I have never scrapped a tablet and I wonder if that would be around the same price as a cell phone/lb for scrap?

    Here in California there is a "Mattress Recovery and Recycling Act", which is similar to the TV recycling program in California. I am not sure if I can be a handler like with TVs but, Mattress recycling sounds pretty lucrative because there will be old dirty mattresses for a long time. Maybe Mattress recycling is the next big thing?
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  39. #20
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    I have always favored retail sales. I can still sell a few XP boxes locally. Most of those buyers don't know the first thing about FSB speeds, or what a Pentium 4 even is.

    I think the whole "E-Waste boom" will end in a while. I remember when eBay was full of the experienced refurbishers. Now, everybody's cousin is a Microsoft Registered Refurbisher, and everyone is hell-bent on creating price wars with each other.

    Let them fight. I'll stand back and watch, and sell at my price. I don't sell as much on eBay as the other sellers do, but I make more money per sale. When they're banking on selling desktops for maybe $15-20 profit each, we all know that it's not sustainable.

    The same thing happened with cars out here a few years ago. Everybody with an F-150 and a 16' trailer was now a vehicle recycler. That died, and now the serious people are the ones doing it. The same thing will happen with E-Waste.

    I remember someone on here that thought PCs were worth $45 each in scrap. When that whole "Get Rich Quick" thing ends, we can all get back to business as usual.

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