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NuLife for CRTs - Page 2

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  1. #21
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by logansryche View Post
    Amperage is probably in the 800-1200 range. Would be something I'd experiment with if I had the space to(have to wait for the snow to melt first). The video I was watching showed the phosphorus dust as a fine white powder.
    They sucked that up with a shop vac and bagged it for the hazardous waste depot.

    If I can find the posting for that way back when I can fill in more info but if I remember corrrectly it was a 20 amp regulated with variable voltage from 10v up to about 14v DC.

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    logansryche started this thread.
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    Yep - the whole process feels better then sending the entire tube into a sand furnace and melting it. The whole process never did sit right but I was trying to be open minded about it. The owner of NuLife Glass(who's not John Kinkade) even stated that there's the possibility of some trace material getting into the glass and that it wouldn't be safe to make drinking glasses out of which to me means that even their processed glass still has some level of lead and/or phosphorus material in it, and that doesn't sit right. The guy I've been talking to in Australia sent me the video on how they process the tubes.

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