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Grading Boards (Help!)

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  1. #1
    armstrt8 started this thread.
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    Grading Boards (Help!)

    I need some help grading my box of IDK's....
    I have finally decided to sort all of my boxes and label them so I can then put boards directly into the proper box after disassembling rather than it all going into one pile to be sorted later. Hopefully the pics are clear enough. Im just trying to get an idea of which general category they fit into rather than specific prices. I broke it up into like 4 different pics pairs that are labeled

    (Pics Above questions Below)
    A. Mid Grade?
    E. Mid Grade?

    (1 pic above question below)

    (2Pics above questions below)
    A. Telecom?
    C. Go with finger cards?
    E. Mid Grade

    (2 pics above questions below)
    A. Cd Rom drive?
    B. HDD?
    D. Cd Rom drive?
    F.Cell Phone board?

    Help is greatly greatly greatly appreciated!

  2. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Man did you get these out of my garage!? Ha. I got the same thing going on out there with the misc box. 2nd pic, b, c, d look like cdrom to me. Pic 5.b. I know that came from a network switch. I have a stack of those too. Is it best to remove those metal network Jacks on those to get a better grade?

  3. #3
    ryanw's Avatar
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    This is just what I would do when sorting these...that may or may not be reclassified when they reach their destination.

    1st set - All CD/DVD-ROM boards currently about $3/lb
    2nd set - All peripheral/mid-high 1.60ish except for the one with the gold edge. Throw that in with gold finger cards $4
    3rd set - I just throw those small cards "c" in with gold fingers. I don't think I get enough that I notice what they would go for. "A" - gold finger cards. The rest peripheral/mid-high.
    4th set - ABCD Hard Drive Boards, F just gets tossed in with gold finger boards, and e looks peripheral/mid-high.

    Kind of hard to see really well in the pictures, but that's my quick take in a glance at them.

    Edit- I thought I'd add that that blue backplane *could* be counted in a higher backplane category. I counted it as lower because of the extra "stuff" on it.
    Last edited by ryanw; 02-04-2015 at 08:48 PM.

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  5. #4
    armygreywolf's Avatar
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    Last picture E is another cd drive logic board, Im guessing in the same picture D came from a floppy or more accurately a zip drive? If it did, probably midgrade (or thereabouts)

    I buy the on board graphics cards (C in pictures 5 and 6) as prepared graphics cards.

    The rest vary buyer to buyer but most will say the blue backplane is mid grade.
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