I see, to each their own I guess. Here in NY all the yards Ive heard of buy PCs at 15 to 20 cents a lb. I used to completely dismantle the whole PC and sell the motherboards online but with prices the way they are now I just pull the wires, CPU, RAM, finger cards and hard drive and sell the rest for 20 cents a lb as a PC. I don't find it worth it to ship the MBs anymore with the low prices. I figure most motherboards weigh a lb or maybe 2 if you're lucky, and if I take the the MB out the power supply will go 10 cents a lb for breakage and the rest is light iron at 5 cents a lb, MBs are a dollar a lb at my yard. So I make more money if I sell the case with the MB inside and also the power supply and CD drives since that's most of the weight. I found a server recently, I pulled all the wire, cards and most of the hard drives, the MB was so tiny it probably weighed a little under a lb but the case was thick heavy steel, didn't make any sense to pull the board imo so I just sold it for PC price at my yard.