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Wire Plug Ends - worth keeping?

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  1. #1
    aph started this thread.
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    Cool Wire Plug Ends - worth keeping?

    After days of perusing this forum I am overwhelmed with the info.

    Have a specific question.
    Is it worth keeping some of the wire end plugs that you cut off to keep 'clean' insulated wire.

    Back in my storage auction days I tossed those in with metal.
    Someone should have told me that the big power supplies have a transformer inside. Oh well...

    Anyway. I recall some time the last few days that the ends of data cables have gold plating and have a value?

    Which if any wire plug ends are worth keeping?



  2. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I keep the male ends off of wall plug-ins. (brass) Also most plug-ins from a computer have gold plating but you'll find all that out with some more reading. Some ends you can pull pins on and others are very hard to do so they can be sold to a buyer, roughly .60-.70 a lb. Don't know the exact price, too lazy to look.
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  3. #3
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    For brass ends, it depends on a few things
    -how much is your time worth
    -does doing it while drinking a beer/watching tv/etc count
    -how efficient are you at removing the brass
    -can you find a buyer that pays more then shred

    For Gold ends
    -There were a few times that I actually got payed less per lbs after shipping than if I didnt cut them. I did get special pricing on non ferous though.
    -Do math on everything
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  5. #4
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    I don't cut any plugs off cause my yard gives the same price with plugs or without, they're not very strict with wiring. I used to cut the gold plated ends off and sell those to ewasted but now it's not worth it since I get more for wire then I do for the gold plugs.

  6. #5
    aph started this thread.
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    Thanks guys.
    I know I probably looked a little lazy after I posted this.
    Somehow the forum shows the similar threads after posting a new one.
    I even tried deleting the thread, but could not find out hos. Probably need some more reading there, too.
    I have in the past turned in clean wire and wire with plugs separate, but got the same price.
    I thought they made a mistake and did not ask. I probably should.
    The e-waste buyer in towns wants it separated, but I don't sell those to him, since his prices are way lower than the other place.
    So far I had almost completely just appliance cords, power cords ends etc. Have not done much computer wires.
    I definitely won;t waste my time removing the brass ends. Seems not worth my time.
    Thanks for the input though.
    Much appreciated.

  7. #6
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    What I do

    Cut ends off cords to get #2 ins price. ($.93 lb.)
    If the ends are brass twist them off and put in brass bucket ($1.66 lb.)
    Put cut cord end in Copper content bucket ($.14 lb. here)
    If the end has gold connectors cut them off and put them in gold connector bucket. ($.65 lb. add to a shipped load of ewaste)
    All other ends get cut and pit in Copper Content bucket as well
    Ends that have transformers get removed and plastic smashed off to get electric motor price (.20 lb.)
    Shred steel is at $.0325
    Last edited by hobo finds; 06-19-2015 at 02:40 PM.

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  9. #7
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    I was getting $0.10/lb for all my plugs in January, haven't had enough to take any more in yet. I was also selling flyback transformers at that price.

  10. #8
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Flybacks can go in with my motors here I only put in a few at a time though...

  11. #9
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    My yard used to take fly backs as motors but now they only take them as dirty aluminum.

  12. #10
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    I am now keeping my flybacks on the brown boards just got $.25 a pound for them. At that price I leave most everything on the brown boards

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