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Blanket price for pcb's

| General Electronics Recycling
  1. #1
    Mike1286 started this thread.
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    Blanket price for pcb's

    Based on current board prices and the overall average percentage of mix, high low etc, what would you guys think to be a good flat rate to buy boards at where you may lose a few bucks on the low grade but the high grade more than makes up for it?

    The reason I ask is my gears have really been turning as I do more and more research on the forum. My thoughts right now are the few yards within reasonable driving distance of me are strictly metal recyclers. Ferrous/non ferrous/wire. Current pricing is in the 145/net ton for shred so roughly .07/lb. I'm thinking talk to them and see if they'd be interested in offering to buy pcb's at a flat rate of say 10 cents a pound, and offer to buy what they collect for 12 or 13. Something along those lines. Pitch it as try it for a month and with the example pricing, it's a quick 20 to 30% roi for the yard. The reason I'm thinking blanket pricing is they may be more apt to try it if there's less training involved. Instead of teaching the scale guys grades of boards, tell them "if it looks like this, throw it in that gaylord".

    What are your guys's opinions on this? Has anyone tried anything along these lines?

  2. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Just don't go educating the competition. But some yards don't want the extra hassle.
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  3. #3
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    I would do 2 gaylords and pay separate prices...this is a simple thing....GREEN/any other color except brown on BOTH sides goes in #1 (and they get $x/lb).....BROWN on either side...goes in here and pays $Y/lb)

    This is STILL simple enough and keep you from getting hammered with 50% brown worth .10/lb and you paying an average of .50/lb or whatever.

    Just my 2 cent...that is ALL the education I would give them. You can EVEN put some samples up including a CPU, a cell phone and a RAM stick on the gaylord to show you buy that as well as the bigger Kinda like McDonalds cash registers....they can match pics but you don't educate them where they cut you out of the market.
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  4. #4
    Mike1286 started this thread.
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    Mechanic - I thought about that. But worst case, they say no to my deal, start accepting them anyways and selling elsewhere, and I have a place to turn them in without paying shipping or taking a long drive. Lol.

    webuyselltradestuff - I thought about this as well. However, my main thought was to be able to offer more than shred price on the buying side enough that the yard can also pay more than shred. My main yard is very lenient as far as shred goes. Pretty much, if it's at least half steel, you're good to go. Toss it on the pile. So that be in the case, I see tons of printers, computers, phones, etc, being tossed on the shred pile. An ewaste gold mine going through the shredder. Now, the same yard doesn't even accept soda cans, so getting them to expand may end up being a challenge. But it may also mean they're not educated in the less common areas of scrap. Ie, ewaste.

    My main hope/goal here is that I can offer a price where I break even on raw low grade, and make my money on the combo of taking ic's and transformers etc. off the low grade boards, and make hella profit off the higher grade boards that come along with it. That is, as long as this yard or any other yard I talk to is willing to add the tiny bit of extra work that goes along with it. I have the space and time after my normal job to be able to come home and work on the break down and sort to maximize profit, but when you have a normal 9-5 (my case 6-330) it's nearly impossible to be able to set up a time for people to drop off the raw supplies to work on. My dream is to own my own business free and clear. But my real world job pays very well and I carry the health insurance for me my wife and our child on the way. So quitting and starting a business is out of the question. But I'm always looking for that way to build from the ground up and work on it to the point where I can tell the man where to stick it. Lol.

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