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Removing cell phone battery gold help.

| General Electronics Recycling
  1. #1
    meier247 started this thread.
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    Removing cell phone battery gold help.

    I have probably 15-30 lbs of cell phone batteries and laptop batteries and since I can't find anyone who buys the batteries whole, my question is removing the gold tabs will that cause harm? I hear about the Mercury any other stuff in batteries and I don't want anything to happen where I get stuff leaking out of the battery. Most are the tabs that are exposed right on the outside. I took one battery and had a side cutters and was able to peel them off no problem...just wanted to ask you guys is there any risk in this before I went further. Any help would greatly be appreciated. Thanks you

  2. #2
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    Removing cell phone battery gold help.

    these should be LiOn batteries. lithium ion. somewhere between 90-110% of ewaste buyers will buy them. not all of them post pricing.

    make sure you tape the contacts
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  4. #3
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    reading old threads will make you money and save you time. Not doing so will waste your time and lose you money. Your choice. Most times if you just google Li battery buyers. you will get a scrap forum member who will buy them.

    If you remove the gold connectors you will end up with 1$ worth of gold few will process and 15 lbs of hazardous waste.
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

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