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Good Times Easy Money

| General Electronics Recycling
  1. #1
    F350scrapper started this thread.
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    Good Times Easy Money

    So lately it has been to easy for me every computer I have been dismantling are having ceramic Pentiums Ive even been pulling some 486s on many gold caps. On top of that Im getting paid $2.80 a pound on motherboards. When I found a buyer on mo boards for that price I laughed and gladly sold them to them. This price includes small socket and everything.

    Is anyone else this lucky on pricing?

  2. #2
    mthomasdev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by F350scrapper View Post
    So lately it has been to easy for me every computer I have been dismantling are having ceramic Pentiums Ive even been pulling some 486s on many gold caps. On top of that Im getting paid $2.80 a pound on motherboards. When I found a buyer on mo boards for that price I laughed and gladly sold them to them. This price includes small socket and everything.

    Is anyone else this lucky on pricing?
    If your getting $2.80 on all MBs, why don't you consider becoming a buyer. I'm sure many would consider sending SS MBS to you for about $2. That would leave you 80 cents per pound profit.

  3. #3
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    usually what happens is the price never lasts.........As soon as said buyer ships off a couple of loads and realizes they lost money there goes the gravy train.......My suggestion is to sell them every board I could find until that day comes

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  5. #4
    sledge's Avatar
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    I had a guy here local that was getting $2.50/lb for EVERY kind of board.. Mobo.. , Finger Cards Small Socket and Large, Metal Socket Even Green/Green boards!!

    Last Month the rug got pulled out and his buyer cut EVERYTHING to $1.50/lb.. So I went from not being able to meet his finger card pricing requirements too- I look pretty dam-n good at $1.80 vs $1.50.
    I'm so into scrapping.. When my Steel Toe Boots Wear out, I cut the Steel out of them and recycle the Toe!

  6. #5
    4barrel's Avatar
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    I had this happen at a pretty reputable scrap yard near us, my contact had quoted prices, and every time I went back the qualifications of the material changed. I ended up driving away with all the boards loaded back into my truck when I was quoted $1.80 for pretty much any green motherboard.

    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    usually what happens is the price never lasts.........As soon as said buyer ships off a couple of loads and realizes they lost money there goes the gravy train.......My suggestion is to sell them every board I could find until that day comes

  7. #6
    F350scrapper started this thread.
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    Yes it normally doesn't last however this buyer has been doing it for a couple years. Not sure why they do it but they do. I only sell in bulk so maybe twice a year i bring in my hoard. So I haven't noticed any influx in prices.

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