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I guess I should elaborate. I have two other business's, plus my wife also has two businesses ,which I help with. Scrap is an outlet for me. I enjoy keeping stuff out of landfills . I very rarely sell anything. Scrap is part of my retirement plan. I understand the business end, I could never make a profit paying someone to scrap a printer. But sense of enjoyment I get separating all the various commodities, knowing that it's not polluting our planet drives me. Iam lucky, I don't rely on scrap for an income. I work hard everyday, and love the it! I don't pay for any of my scrap, so its all profit. Anytime I can take a hammer to something is a stress relief for me.
You and I are from the same mold JunkFreak. This is how I scrap too! I can sit on the couch and get fat or I can make a nickel here and a dime there. A gentleman I trained dogs for who is a multimillionaire told me once, "I turn nickels into dimes and dimes into dollars" I hear his words everyday I scrap.