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  1. #1
    ChildhoodDream's Avatar
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    I have always liked the many types of glass with fiberglass being my least favorite,lol.

    I have many types of glass items around the yard and tempered flat glass can have many uses. The larger nice pieces like truck and school bus glass makes nice coffee table tops as it has nice rounded edges The smaller glass panels such as the doors from entertainment centers and such can make nice glass shelves with a bit of framing of wood or metal.

    I also keep a eye out for the older window glass that was poured and not pressed. You can tell it as it has a uneven surface. They make modern poured glass also and the price of that is most times higher then the original vintage glass if you can find the sizes you want in nice condition as it can be tricky to cut without problems because of the slightly uneven surface.

    I have never taken a printer apart. I do have some of the older ones as well as a few newer ones around here. Some of the older ones are of good size. I have a nice Canon printer that will print large banners and such. I have many of the ink cartridges for it that I bought at clearance that I can try and get working some day when I want to try using the printer again. Haven't used it in years.

    I have taken some of the large copy machines apart and they sure have many interesting parts with the larger they get.

    The most interesting item I took apart was a older cash registrar from about the 70's that was mechanical/electrical. It was filled with hundreds of thin gears much like in a pocket watch. The gears were for the numbers that would pop up in the window so you could see the prices. I did very well with the parts when I discovered the world of steampunk.

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