Just to let everyone know, I did do a little searching on this before posting this.
At this time, I am getting a fair amount of
E-waste and am trying to figure out, based on my prices and cost to ship, if it is worth it to break them down.
I just recently sent a few pallets out and included in this load were 625 pounds of PSU w/ wire. My shipping costs, after taking out the weight of the pallets and gaylords was about 11.25 cents per pound. Buyer paid 26 cents, leaving me with 14.75 cents per pound.
Fast forward to today and I sold a bunch of wire and electronic leftovers. I got 56 cents per pound for #2 insulated, 15 cents per pound for low grade circuit boards, 15 cents a pound for transformers and 11 cents a pound for computer fans. I'm assuming light iron was about 2.5 to 3 cents per pound. I'd like to figure out, strictly on what I would get selling these (and taking into account shipping costs), which pays more. I'm wondering if anybody has recently done an analysis on 10 or 15 of these.
I know that what I can sell for is not everything. My time is worth something, so I'll have to take that into account. The other thing that I need to think about is how much does sending these with my high value E-waste help in lowering shipping costs. If sending these reduced my shipping costs by 2 cents per pound, then that was a savings on about 825 pounds of other E-waste.