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copper yeilds more than gold???

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  1. #1
    Blue414 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    copper yeilds more than gold???

    The title says it all. Strangly enough it is true here in my area of centrel arkansas. Up untill now I loved the heavy ends on the computer cords as I would save them and put them in my gold connector ends. Today that all stoped. I have overlooked that gold ends are now at .50 cents a pound and after calling my contact at my yard of choice he informed me that my #2 insulated price was .60 lb. So as the title states now for me in this case. Copper is outweighing the pay off for the gold. Sobb sniff sniff. This economy is getting harder and I'm just hoping I can educate myself enough to keep on going. I love this stuff (escrap) and hope that I can experiance some of the sweet payouts I read about in the older threads from a few years back.

    Ok thats my sob story. Thanks to all of you for all the information that the SMF puts out there. As bad as things are I would not be in the place I am without the shared knowledge of this forum...

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