The wheel in videos is mostly Ali, theres a shaft and bearings and a few Brass bits, at the end its very little metal for some extra work, I'd say the transformer contains more cents value than the rest of the machine. (and I'm talking 'Cents', not $)
LED displays?, I think you mean LCD displays. They often have a Gold plated board behind them if they are from microwaves, printers or telephones.
If its them, theres also a black resin spot on the back, its got a little silicon chip under it, leave it on the board when you sell them.
DVD players. There is a circuit board on them thats worth money. The Laser mechinism has Gold plated parts but so far no ones been able to sell them or find a buyer. There is two little strong neoidium magnets in there too. Often the little motor has a small Brass shaft, with a sprial groove in it to move the laser mechinism.
The little ruibber bands handy as they do not break and last a long time. Better than rubber bands.
I save all that stuff, the motors go in my 'Motors/small transormers' bin. I keep the Steel shafts as its handy for home engineers and as a steel pin to drive out roll pins etc from other stuff.