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  1. #1
    BUNTONGM started this thread.
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    had a good e payout this month.. use flat rate boxes!!

    Im not really a full time scrapper but i enjoy it as a hobby! I did pretty good this month i had a bunch of old cell phones and laptops and other random e scrap. I know there are other major companies that sell for some better rates but i chose a company that my buddy uses alot and had a pretty nice payday! I have some advice from self experiance. If you are shipping items to a company it really pays off to use the flat rate boxes to avoid all the heavy normal fees. Also if you are shipping something under a pound, the first class shipping option helps.. i use their prices just went up alot and for what i had the shipping was relatively inexpensive because they werent too far away. So if anyones looking to sell whole laptops or phones their rates are better than some of the other companies ive seen.

  2. #2
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    $10.00 a pound for cell phones is a great price!

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  4. #3
    ryanw's Avatar
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    Ok, this is just me, but this website is on a free web host, and some of the prices such as for cell phones are outrageously high. For me, I'd have to be paid in advance to send anything to this person.

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  6. #4
    billygoat's Avatar
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    No, it's not just you. It seems a bit suspicious to me also. The seller and the buyer are both located in central Florida. The seller used USPS to ship from central Florida to central Florida. I can see how this is possible, but...

    The original post also follows a pattern I've noticed in a lot of spam posts I've seen around the internet. Yes, I'm aware that it could be a coincidence.

    I'd rather continue going to someone I know and trust.

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  8. #5
    matador's Avatar
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    We purchase laptop computers and many components for greater than scrap value. We offer a shipping reimbursement program.replies

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    If I'm reading the website correctly, they're paying $1.50 per stick for gold-fingered computer RAM. There are roughly 20 sticks per pound, so that is $30 per pound. One of the largest buyers here is paying slightly over $12 per pound. This company was advertising RAM at $5.00 per pound last week!? They're paying $5 per pound on scrap laptops? Also, flat rate boxes don't vary in cost based on distance. Something smells a bit... fishy.

    I'll send my RAM in to the guy that pays around $12 per pound. He pays his dues to this Forum, is a respected member of our community, and I trust him. That's worth it to me.

    < /Rant>
    Last edited by matador; 11-27-2015 at 06:00 PM.
    More than Scrap Value Shipment Tips:

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  10. #6
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    yes guys...weebly for a web host? I mean hostgator is like $5/mo and offers wordpress (basically what his site is on). The other thing would be the pricing already mentioned. I would have to send some test packages and have some backed evidence of payment from others in the community. Either THAT, or an actual location that someone can take stuff to.

    OTHER MAJOR RED FLAGS...NO phone number, NO address, NO last name, NO COMPANY name where I can see if you are a registered business in the county you are in OR with the state of Florida. Those things SCREAM "DANGER WILL ROBINSON".

    I would love for them to prove me wrong and be legit, but those factors alone means I cannot send them anything right now.
    Last edited by webuyselltradestuff; 11-27-2015 at 02:54 PM.
    PROFIT is made when you BUY/ACQUIRE NOT when you sell

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  12. #7
    BUNTONGM started this thread.
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    Why would you guys report my post? Im just new to recycling and am excited that i found a company close to me so i dont have to pay alot in shipping up north. Yes its true flat rate boxes are the same price no matter what but not all my items can fit into one of those boxes which is why i send the larger items locally. I post on the other sections on other stuff i find too, im not just an e recycler and i have nothing but positive influence about regular metal items. Look im not telling you guys to use this company im just saying that i tried them and had no problems.

  13. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by BUNTONGM View Post
    Why would you guys report my post? Im just new to recycling and am excited that i found a company close to me so i dont have to pay alot in shipping up north. Yes its true flat rate boxes are the same price no matter what but not all my items can fit into one of those boxes which is why i send the larger items locally. I post on the other sections on other stuff i find too, im not just an e recycler and i have nothing but positive influence about regular metal items. Look im not telling you guys to use this company im just saying that i tried them and had no problems.
    For answers to your questions read all the above. Notice how long the folks above have been on this forum. Go to the Buyers/Sellers section and read the reviews of our members who are buyers. Then spend some time reading more of the vast number of threads in the Electronics Recycling section on the forum. There are many examples of companies who have proven to be rip offs and/or just went out of business without paying for the last few customers.

    Lastly if this guy works for you great but for shipping USPS and in close to you consider Regional A or B boxes. I use them often to ship things I have sold on ebay. For example often the Region B box is slightly larger than the Medium Flat Rate Box and for me on the east coast cheaper for shipping as far as Memphis, Tn. Something to consider.

    Best of luck and keep hanging out here, Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  15. #9
    matador's Avatar
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    We purchase laptop computers and many components for greater than scrap value. We offer a shipping reimbursement program.replies

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    Regional Rate boxes are your best friend. I can ship 10 desktop hard drives in one. They don't have the 70# weight limit that flat rate boxes do, but they'll hold a lot (I've never had more than 35# in a large FRB anyways).

    A Weebly site isn't a good indicator. I haven't used Hostgator (I use for the record), but hosting and a domain is cheap. You can easily have a .com and a hosting package with a professional E-Mail address for $75 per year. A Gmail account isn't for business, either. These two things throw off red flags.

    There have been a lot of these places that go under and take people to the cleaners- it's a sad reality. We've read many stories of that happening, and don't want it to happen to anyone else. There are buyers on this forum- many of which have established reputations on here (Disclaimer: I'm a buyer here). We've worked with each other as a community, and have a certain level of trust. That's important. I think most of us have never heard of this place before.

    Their pricing is inconsistent. Last week, I commented that their RAM prices were terribly low (They were $5.00 per pound then). Now, they're listed as $1.50 per stick. Computer RAM is roughly 20 sticks per pound, so the old rate would have been $0.25 per stick. Their prices have increased six-fold over the course of a week? That's not normal.

    Low-grade boards may pay decently there. They're not worth shipping usually, so whatever you can get locally is your price. They don't add up quickly, so it's not a big risk. A box of $400 of RAM is another story.

    When I ship out a lot of scrap, I'm throwing my full trust at the buyer. There are great buyers here. Maybe that outfit should join, open a buyer's thread, and become a member of the community. If the people I trust here use them and review them well, I may trust them with a lot.

    Until then, I'm going with my gut. It's what I have to go with....

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  17. #10
    parrothead's Avatar
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    The following line on the website probably tells it all.

    "We reserve the right to upgrade/downgrade price paid on items sent if components are removed or damaged"

    So, if it doesn't work it gets a lower price?
    "64K should be enough for anybody." - Bill Gates 1981

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  19. #11
    bigburtchino's Avatar
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    I't took me maybe 1 minute to realize this Florida, buyer was maybe Smoke and Mirrors (that's being kind). Ask- is some prices to good to be true? and Why? Also with no verifiable identity, no prior references, very easy to be here today and gone, with no recourse for the gullible.

    Buntongm - You come into this community, just as I and everyone else, the difference between you and 99.9% of the rest of us. We didn't start off trying to direct, suggest, imply, mention, or any other word you would prefer. Advising members about using the post office, really? So I can avoid "heavy normal fees" and if I ship "under a pound" first class shipping option helps, really?

    I'm not going to be sending 1 pound or 1 ounce to "SELL E CRAP", I WISH YOU, YOUR BUDDY AND SELL E CRAP ALL THE BEST OF LUCK AND EVEN BIGGER PAYDAYS!

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  21. #12
    matador's Avatar
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    We purchase laptop computers and many components for greater than scrap value. We offer a shipping reimbursement program.replies

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    Actually, the limit for first class mail is 13oz. I've never had a lot come to me that was light enough to use that as an option.

    And, the secret in some cases is the regional rate boxes, not the flat rates. Anyone who's been to a Post Office in the last 5 years knows about them

    Pro tip: Use a reputable buyer- It's always worked for my lots!

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  23. #13
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    From the web site... -We do not pay for any shipping fees. (If requesting a check, postage will be deducted from payment) Kind of funny...

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