Originally Posted by
Why would you guys report my post? Im just new to recycling and am excited that i found a company close to me so i dont have to pay alot in shipping up north. Yes its true flat rate boxes are the same price no matter what but not all my items can fit into one of those boxes which is why i send the larger items locally. I post on the other sections on other stuff i find too, im not just an e recycler and i have nothing but positive influence about regular metal items. Look im not telling you guys to use this company im just saying that i tried them and had no problems.
For answers to your questions read all the above. Notice how long the folks above have been on this forum. Go to the Buyers/Sellers section and read the reviews of our members who are buyers. Then spend some time reading more of the vast number of threads in the
Electronics Recycling section on the forum. There are many examples of companies who have proven to be rip offs and/or just went out of business without paying for the last few customers.
Lastly if this guy works for you great but for shipping USPS and in close to you consider Regional A or B boxes. I use them often to ship things I have sold on
ebay. For example often the Region B box is slightly larger than the Medium Flat Rate Box and for me on the east coast cheaper for shipping as far as Memphis, Tn. Something to consider.
Best of luck and keep hanging out here, Mike