Back in the good old days, paying $5 for each computer got you profit, no matter what. Unfortunately now that is no longer the case. It's been awhile since I've paid for computers, I often get them for free. Today I got a text from a contact I made a few years ago. He has 32 towers and 7 laptops. The towers are mostly core 2, and there may or may not be a few i3's mixed in as well. He said none of them have hard drives, and some are missing ram, but hes not sure how many. With low prices I've been trying to get more into the resale scene of things. I recently sent off a package of resale stuff to PTS and was very satisfied with my results. I know that he pays a little bit for core 2's, and a decent amount for i3's. This ram is likely worthless, as well as the motherboards so those will be scrapped.
So that leaves me with small socket motherboards nearing $1/lb, and no guarantee of scrap ram, finger boards, or working processors. On top of that, shred is essentially worthless, and my yard refused to buy power supplies for anything more than shred. The way I'm seeing it, I can pay $1 per tower and maybe make $.50 per unit. Am I far off here? Am I missing something? How much would you pay under these conditions?
Thanks for reading!