Ah, found it. The turbo chip is actually a 'Overdrive' chip
It comes from a board # GA-486VM rev.0. Serial#13443Y. 1993 with a Amibios 486DX bios AA3825527 (1992)
The '486 on fibreglass CPU' is a Intel i486 SX. KU80486sx-25. C3180320. Sx683. Intel ©1989
The other interesting boards I have are a,
OPTi. p/n 65G4187. EC D26208H PCB ver2.22 . its odd because it has a very long 60 pin slot for a gold fingered board and a large CPU socket.
Next up,
Mitzi R241A437A1(that's on the rear side) top side R927A2350.
This slots into a case and has a small onboard CPU MB15524 8630 Y13
and 3 Gold faced windowed RAM.
With a D8085AC chip,
a MBL8051AH 127. F8320. 8631 z04, ntel'82 - fujitsu'84 chip (long with a embossed line on it)
MB8464-15L, 8525 R72, BA chip, same line embossed.
The last board.
Has a big 499 CPU socket, the CPU has a Gold cap with two bolts sticking out, its broken though.
O5/98. PN:10008299. C1. SN: D04308. ASM.PCBA AXP ,533MHZ
P/N 10021249
(I had to edit because I invoked a smiley on the 2nd last line @ SN
O4308. )