I'd say "Do it".
My yard won't sell anything to me, or anybody else either.Sad because they do have people dropping of old computers etc, as 'steel.
Its actually sad to see, last time I was there I noticed a 1000 watt PA speaker amp going as 'mixed metals'...
But once, piles and piles of industrial
escrap, they were hacking the transformers and wire out of it... Leaving the Gold there.
I asked "what did it come out of?".
"Analogue TV station transmitter" was the answer.
We had just changed from Analogue TV to Digital only and the old transmitting stations and repeaters were being scrapped.
That's the sort of stuff you may pick up in between buys of scrap computers, if they can get ca$h for something without having to do any work, why wouldn't they sell it to you first? You are just going to add value to it and sell parts of it back to them so they can make even more money from it.
I am sure I learn something every time alloy2 makes a post.
Today it was {"Outside you say, yard might be motivated to move that pile as EPA reuirement
ewaste must be kept inisde or covered."}