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  1. #21
    Faceball's Avatar
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    Great job. Very informative. Keep up the good work. Can't wait to get the final tally. All I see is $ $ $

  2. #22
    thebugguy started this thread.
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    Hey all-

    I've disassembled and hauled in 97% of the non-electronic scrap from this lot and thought I would provide a breakdown (I loves me my numbers). This is all from the local scrapyard- I can't tell you whether the pricing is good, bad or ugly, but the place is close and when you're dumping loads over your lunch hour, that's a big plus.

    lbs category price total
    1 Al sheeting @ $0.30/lb = $0.3 (from printer)
    139 Al casting @ $0.30/lb = $30.6 (mostly from printers so far)
    20 Al extrusion @ $0.40/lb = $8.0 (from printers)
    105 Al breakage @ $0.10/lb = $10.5 (honestly don't remember what this was)
    25 #2 insul Cu @ $0.40/lb = $10 (this was a mistake- should've been #3 but I didn't catch it)
    327 #3 insul Cu @ $0.12/lb = $39.24
    12 Stainless @ $0.21/lb = $2.52
    3380 shred iron @ $0.04/lb = $135.2 (this includes an old futon frame or two thrown on top)
    53 elect. motors @ $0.09/lb = $4.77

    Total output: $96.05 auction + $40 in gas and buying lunch for help = $136.06
    Total income: $241.13 so far for a profit of $105.08 (after three weeks of part-time effort!). Note that my original max bid was guesstimated purely on scrap metal recovery- amazingly, the steel alone pretty much covered my costs!

    I still have some stainless, cast Al, motors, steel, etc. to bring in but I doubt that's going to wind up being more than another $30 or $40, total.

    I put a few of the cables and telecom components on Ebay, but I really don't know diddly about the stuff and not seeing much interest in it I took the lots down. One buyer was lowballing me on some cables- his Ebay rating was good but something smelled funny and I discovered he was being sued for fraud in Hawaii and his wife drowned in a pool under "suspicious circumstances" a few years ago. Maybe the guy's having a streak of bad luck, but I decided I would rather not tie up money and time in Ebay if I didn't have to so I pulled the auctions.

    Which leaves the escrap. It looks like I'm going to break down and scrap virtually everything except perhaps a stack of 4.5" floppy drives- I'll test those and put them on Ebay. Eventually. I'm working on totaling my escrap haul- the plan is to drop it off at ewasted's place on the way to bringing the kids to see grandma here in a couple weeks. Problem is, my better half has decided she may come along after all, which means I can't fill the passenger seat (and trunk) with boards- a dilemma!


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  4. #23
    thebugguy started this thread.
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    Well, I thought I would give y'all one more update on/conclusion to my accidental mainframe thread, so here goes. I actually have a few more bits and pieces lying around (a couple of interesting boards I'm saving for my curio shelf, a stack of 5.25" floppy drives I may get around to testing, a small pile of connectors I plan on pulling the pins from, etc.) but I turned in the last of my non-precious metals before I left on vacation and yup, there was about $40 there (with the addition of a few dumpster finds). Most significantly, I personally delivered my escrap to ewasted's facility outside of Cleveland on my way to my mom's house in upstate NY. Picture a rental car with myself, mrsbugguy and the two litter buggers along with two weeks worth of luggage, car games, electronic gizmos AND 244 lbs of escrap stuffed into the trunk, the back window, the center console cubby, etc. I didn't bring absolutely *everything* with me- the PSU boards just wouldn't fit, but I probably could've slipped a few more small bags of goodies around the tire in the spare wheel well, but that would've meant completely unpacking the trunk and starting over again (mrsbugguy was not amused).

    So, long story short, we drove about 11 hours the first day, over-nighted on the north end of Columbus and arrived at ewasted's facility round about 10 AM the next day (if I recall). I won't go into it here, but it was a pleasure to meet him and have a look at his shop- as many people have said elsewhere he's a great person to do business with. I started pulling luggage and bags and boxes of boards out of the trunk and about half-hour later was standing there with a check in my hand- pretty amazing, really!

    PM me if you want a detailed breakdown of what exactly I brought, but it totaled 244 lbs separated into twenty (yes, two-zero!) different categories for a total payout of $786. Now this included some bits and pieces I had lying around before I bought the mainframe & telecom junk, but at least $700 was from the one auction lot. So, including the random curb finds thrown on top, I spent about $136 all told and grossed about $1,063.

    Not a bad month for thebugguy if I say so myself! Granted, I doubt it will ever happen again, but once was enough to tell a good story- can't argue with that!

    Again, I don't have exact numbers for anything, but if you want a little more detail on exactly what I pulled out of the mainframe drop me a note- I'll answer if I can.


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