Hi Everyone,
New to this site. Everything I have seen so far looks extremely informative and friendly! I am primarily a buyer of
e-scrap, but am always looking for aluminum (thermal, cast, turnings, extrusion, etc). Although fairly new to the industry, it has been a great experience so far.
I have a few questions...
-As a mid-size recycler, is anyone else finding it difficult to compete with the big guys regarding electronics purchasing? The Sims of the world seem to be keeping motherboards at a rate that I am having trouble competing with.
- We are in the process of getting R2 and ISO 14001 certified, anyone have any tips for an old yard trying to implement a new system?
-Always interested in meeting new people to see what we can put together. Anyone in the NY/NJ/PA area? Definitely looking to buy material!
Great forum, look forward to catching up on past posts!