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Anyone recognize this Science Equipment

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  1. #1
    HipoGear started this thread.
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    Anyone recognize this Science Equipment

    Hoping for a quick answer on this. I'm watching an auction that is ending in a few hours. This lot has no bids.
    But what the heck is it?
    Supposed to be science equipment from a school lab.

    Thanks for your vast knowledge

  2. #2
    Hurrikane's Avatar
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    I was out playing Frisbee in the park when I was supposed to be in school so.......

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    billygoat's Avatar
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    There is a phone number for you to call. Don't know if they would still be there at this time though.

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  6. #4
    ragstoriches's Avatar
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    The one on the right kinda looks like a Mettler scale we used to use in the wool company lab. Can't really see the face of the second one though. Not much help I know LOL

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  8. #5
    HipoGear started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by ragstoriches View Post
    The one on the right kinda looks like a Mettler scale we used to use in the wool company lab. Can't really see the face of the second one though. Not much help I know LOL
    No, you are helpful. I think you are absolutely right. I think they are both Mettler scales. The other one looks to be this model:
    Mettler Toledo Type H16 80g Laboratory Analytical Balance Scale w Tray | eBay

  9. #6
    nutpie's Avatar
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    Depending on the lowest possible bid, I would scoop it up. And if there is no reserve. A few dollars to learn something new, and take a crap shoot.

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  11. #7
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    Yeah they are both mettler scales. They are like 0.01 grams tolerance. They are made so wind does not disturb the scales.

    I have one too. Its interesting how they work, the dials 'pick up' weights until the visual scale in the 'window' comes in to view.
    That's where you read the last 0.01 (0.001?) Of a gram

    So if you are weighing, say, 28.36gm weight.

    Its picked up a 20gm weight, + a 8 gram weight, + a 0.3 gram weight to balance out the actual test weight, then you fiddle with the other dial to add up to or around the 0.06gms. Like a fine tolerance reading.

    But, curiosity value only.
    Today we have those tiny electric scales using piezo sheet on a stressed metal bar, that go down to 0.001gm and costing about 2 or 3 hours wages.

    When you shift the Mettlers around, the weights fall off their little stands, you have to put them all back in place and also clean the lightbulb and little mirrors/window.
    Last edited by eesakiwi; 06-01-2016 at 08:18 AM.

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  13. #8
    ragstoriches's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HipoGear View Post
    No, you are helpful. I think you are absolutely right. I think they are both Mettler scales. The other one looks to be this model:
    Mettler Toledo Type H16 80g Laboratory Analytical Balance Scale w Tray | eBay
    That one is almost identical to the one I used to use, except ours was bit plainer, less high tech lol. I'm sure them scales weighed a lot of beakers in their day!

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  15. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by nutpie View Post
    Depending on the lowest possible bid, I would scoop it up. And if there is no reserve. A few dollars to learn something new, and take a crap shoot.
    "Learn something new..." That's exactly what I've been doing since getting into this last year. I never knew how much I didn't know. I've had to Google so much stuff I didn't know about but it's been a blast learning. Here's to finding out the unknown!

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  17. #10
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    If there's a science equipment you are looking for, this is it.

    The fact that there's the word platinum there is a hint, its about the size of a large thimble or single shot glass.
    Its worth about, ah, I dunno, US$1000+

    Its used in a laboratory to incinerate something, something they need to weigh before and after, and they need exact weights and a crucible that will not react with the substance.
    For some reason when I first found this out, I had a 'déjà vu' moment......


    The other is this thing. Its a 'Thermal cycler' used for gene splicing and such. Their value can vary a lot, $50-$5000.

    The reason its expensive is this.

    No, that's not Brass..... Its Gold. A block of Gold. (With holes in it)

    Now a Thermal cycler is a very expensive price of equipment (getting cheaper) that heats a special protein (DNA etc) up and down in cycles, often changing temp by 0.1 °C but normally 3-10°C at very set and strict timing and ramping. Very often and over a longish set time.
    Mess it up and the substance is ruined. (Like evidence, or a multi million $ new strain of plant DNA)

    So they need a block that's got good heat absorption, Golds good for that, so is Silver.

    Now these places bought these things at prices years ago that matched cars, they use them for a few years, get a new one, dump the old one.
    Modern ones are probably Aluminium, often I see them for sale 2nd hand on the internet without the blocks, somebody's caught on to this situation.
    Last edited by eesakiwi; 06-26-2016 at 08:55 AM.

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