Trouble is, by the time you have enough
escrap to process, its almost a industrial process anyway.
Take in the cost of those lessons, those acids and chemicals, the safety gear and your learning process and the time involved and any unknown potential pitfalls (that might be life changing...).
I'd rather find a good honest well paying buyer and sell to them.
In the end of a home process, even then you don't have a Gold that people will give you ca$h for.
If you want to 'Get some Gold', either sell your escrap and buy known Gold, or just process one thing, like chips, 'patnors process', there's no chemicals involved, and 'show' that.
No matter what you do, you cannot get as much precious metals out of your escrap that a proper processor will.
Hell, they even get all of the Copper tracks off, in fact I thinks its just the Copper that pays for their processing.
Their profits probably the Platinum group metals. The Silver and Tin.
And then they sell the fine shredded fibreglass with trace metals to Steel smelters to use as a flux or such on the crucibles (so I have been told)
Most boards have several layers of fibreglass, and as many as 8 layers of Copper. Pick up a server board, they are HEAVY!.
I still think of the guy who was processing at home, in his garage, and after a week noticed weird rust specs on his new Audi.
Which he sold as fast as he could... And lost $2000, which was better than waiting 6 months to find he had a Audi fe oxide.