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What to do with routers, modems, etc

| General Electronics Recycling
  1. #1
    ozarksewaste started this thread.
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    What to do with routers, modems, etc

    I've got a few boxes of routers, modems, etc...consumer grade Belkin, D-Link, etc. Practically zero have a power supply and I'm not sure of their working status. Is there any market better than just stripping the boards out?

  2. #2
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    not really unless you test them....I GUESS theoretically you could list on ebay as parts/non working and explain they just are not some research, maybe you can get a bit more. Really, I just pull them apart and take out the high grade boards.
    PROFIT is made when you BUY/ACQUIRE NOT when you sell

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  4. #3
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    Few I've gotten are worth the time to list on ebay but checking doesn't cost. Break them down, good quality board inside. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  5. #4
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    followup: IF the routers are NOT at least N or AC, they will not be worth the time. Even the old G routers just are not in demand (the N's can be had CHEAP and are far faster). IF you happen to find a new AC router, then YES check it. They are the newest ones out and still do bring a fair amount (enough to test and resell...the one I bought is a higher end version, but I paid $200 retail for it about a year ago).

    Modems are cheap to buy (like $30-50 NEW). Unless it is something someone uses in the area, it won't be worth much. The other things is to see what version of DOCSIS the modem is. If it is older then it will most likely not be compatible with the systems now (ie cable and dsl change to different standards over time and the older one will no longer work)....had that happen one time.

    I have owned my high speed modem since the the actual beginning of cable modems. They were SHOCKED I would pay $175 for it instead of the $10/mo rental...they actually had to look up how to bill it out LOL. Guess what? Modem lasted 5 years at least (I knew it would since it was an external modem)...SO $175 vs $600 in "rental fees" LOLOL. NEVER rent anything from those blood suckers if you can buy it. As soon as they push the cable box thing through these in my house will go back...I can BUILD MULTIPLE terabyte storage capability that most likely will do what these do BETTER and offer more features...I am always glad when anyone give the middle finger to the cable companies.
    Last edited by webuyselltradestuff; 09-30-2016 at 05:05 PM.

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  7. #5
    Breakage's Avatar
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    There are one or two buyers in that section of the forums purchasing whole units. I've been stockpiling a few in anticipation of a large-volume shipment but it's been so long since I started that I've forgotten exactly to whom it is I'm planning on sending them! I figured I would check back in once the gaylord was getting full.

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