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I got two computer towers this evening and tore them apart i have everything, and just dont know what they are. what are the parts that are worth money? where is the gold, and what do I do with all the pieces? I just have never scrapped a computer and would like an e scrapper to help me out, thanks guys.
The big money, is in the ram, processor, and the PCI(accessory) boards. But it takes several PC's to get even enough to sell to a refiner for a decent profit. The motherboards do have some value, but not as high as the ram.
I get a pile of PC's before I bother taking them all apart. Once you're good at it, you can strip them down in a few minutes. But group those parts like scrapping anything else, and find yourself a refiner. I keep a pile of cases, power supplies and the wires before I head to the scrap yard with them. Those wires are all steel, don't bother trying to get any copper.