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To be honest you have 2 kinds of scrappers. The first is the smash and grab scrapper that is looking for a quick payday. It doesn't matter what the resale value is it goes to the scrap yard.
The second scrapper will do some homework and think about getting the most out of the scrap. This scrapper isn't looking for a fast payday.
But didn't we all kinda start out as the first kind? I know I did. Cut the cord off, grab the boards, tear off the transformers, next... that's how I started. Now, I'm all, "Let me google this model #.... "
Usually, it's junk, but like when that guy asked me if I'd take those ""old toner cartriges"" when I did an auction lot pickup. I've pocketed $200 after shipping & feebay on those ""old cartriges""!!
Now, off to google tophat transistors. I'll never claim to know it all!!! I like to find out I've been throwing money away... it means I won't do it again!