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Laptop screens ...?

| General Electronics Recycling
  1. #1
    V1rothisk started this thread.
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    Talking Laptop screens ...?

    I’ve done some searching on the forums and haven’t found any recent (2012) posts regarding the sale of laptop screens. I’ve got about 35 laptop screens that I’ve carefully removed so the connections are still good. I haven’t tested them, but I’m sure some do not work. Is there anyone that BUYS them? I didn’t see anything in the buyer/seller section. If no one is purchasing them, has anyone found a way to sell them, or get something for them?

    Thanks! Viro

  2. #2
    mthomasdev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by V1rothisk View Post
    I’ve done some searching on the forums and haven’t found any recent (2012) posts regarding the sale of laptop screens. I’ve got about 35 laptop screens that I’ve carefully removed so the connections are still good. I haven’t tested them, but I’m sure some do not work. Is there anyone that BUYS them? I didn’t see anything in the buyer/seller section. If no one is purchasing them, has anyone found a way to sell them, or get something for them?

    Thanks! Viro
    Mario still has them listed for $1.50 each. Certain newer models can get higher prices with other buyers like Armygreyewolf.

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