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Hard Drive Platter Destruction and Resale

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  1. #1
    ejohnson914 started this thread.
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    Hard Drive Platter Destruction and Resale

    I might have overlooked this answer, but I haven’t been able to find it yet. In order for me to get hard drives from companies or individuals I have to say that I will destroy them. While I have no issues doing this, I’m worried that I might lose out on the ability to sell them. My original plan was to sell the platters on e-bay to the precious metal recovery crowd. Looking on e-bay, I’m not seeing any platters that are bent or cut. Does anyone know if this is a deal breaker for the precious metal recovery folks?


  2. #2
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    I don't know the answer to your disk question. But you don't always have to promise to destroy the hard drives and if you don't then you can do several things with them.

    Sell them whole and hopefully in good working condition to one of our members buyers. Or you can test them and do a full and proper wipe then sell them.

    How do you learn about all these thing read the old threads here on the forum, read the threads in the "Scrap Buyers & Sellers" (see the button at the top of each page).

    Youtube and google will also be a source of education for you.

    The best education you can possibly receive is contained in the old threads in the this forum it costs you nothing but time. The answers you find best for you will not necessarily be best or even really good for me or someone else. You will have to decide which direction to go. My advise it to do the studying before you start destroying any material you already have. Just be mindful to keep any hard drives you promised to destroy in a separate area.

    Ok I will tell you one idea I have for your hard drives that you have already promised to destroy. Use a tower power supply that is still inside a working tower. Pull out one of the not being used power plugs that fit your to be destroyed hard drive.

    Plug in the hard drive turn on the the tower. The hard drive will power up along with the tower. While the drive is powered up us a power drill to drill a hole in the soft side of the hard drive(side with the green board). Push until you contact the front cover then stop. This will destroy a hard drive. Now remove the green board from the hard drive and keep those in a separate box.
    Sell the destroyed hard drive for what ever your yard pays for this class of Al.

    Why not sell the platters(disks) on ebay when I currently have a listing up ebay for just those items?? For me it made sense at the time to break down hard drives and I save the disks. Now it almost doesn't make sense to remove the green boards. Those boards go for really good money but the new hard drive have tiny thin little boards as compared to when I started the ewaste thing. Do it your way, 73 Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  4. #3
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Platters do not I repeat do not have enough precious metals on them to make recovery profitable. Ebay sales of them are to craft makers.

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  6. #4
    scrapman1077's Avatar
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    " In order for me to get hard drives from companies or individuals I have to say that I will destroy them"

    If you told them you would destroy them, you are honor bound to do so.

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  8. #5
    ejohnson914 started this thread.
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    Correct. I'm not saying I won't. I'm just wondering if the metal recovery folk who buy them on e-bay will still want them. I don't see any offerings for cut up ones, so I'm guessing not. Guess I will just toss them in the aluminum basket.

  9. #6
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    i have made decent money on Ebay selling platters. I think the last time i sold them, i crammed 5-6lbs (100ish platters?) in a padded flat rate envelope and earned $20ish on the lot. Even after shipping and fees, i made close to $2/lb on them. I have seen them go for both higher and lower. Good luck!

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  11. #7
    CapitalRecovery's Avatar
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    I think if you sell the platters to someone else without being wiped, I think the buyer can put that used platter and still pull info from it. ( I think) Being a security minded person I just destroy the platters. Because even wiping the HD there is still a chance to recover some info from it. But destroying them I can guarantee your info will never be recovered.

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  13. #8
    hills's Avatar
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    No, the platters aren't like a CD or DVD. Once they're out of a hard drive they're impossible to read.

    A tech would need to be working in a level 3 clean room and know the brand, model #, and exact firmware version of the hard drive that the platter came from to have any hope of recovering data from it.

    Imagine that somebody hands you a box of 100 platters from 20 different drives. Some of the drives had one platter. Other drives had five platters. How would you ever figure out where they came from and in what order in the platter stack they belong ?

    Can you imagine the problems involved ?

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  15. #9
    CopperheadDave's Avatar
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    Ebay is flooded with platters unfortunately. Is there a buyer on this forum?

  16. #10
    CopperheadDave's Avatar
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    I always assumed someone would want to recover the platinum from them?

  17. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by CopperheadDave View Post
    Ebay is flooded with platters unfortunately. Is there a buyer on this forum?
    Yes check the buyers and sellers section. At least one buyer there who buys HDD components including platters

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  19. #12
    quazimoto's Avatar
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    Once you remove the platters off the spindle you have a better chance playing the lottery than recovering the information on those platters. To add to the problem if a smoke particle or one particle of dust were to be on the platter when trying to rebuild and read the disk would crash the head.The heads that read the platter float less than 5 nanometers above the platter. To put this is prospective a single fingerprint has a thickness of over 12,000 nanometers.

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  21. #13
    Earther's Avatar
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    I had a guy beg me to lend him hard drives i get. For starters sounds like something inwouldnt do on my death bed and this being a way to another day and then add in i just met this perain and then add in the big old **** no factor and yeah. Come to find out what he wanted to do and im assuming doing on his own accord is searching these hard drives for forgotten bitcoin wallets jn hopes someone made one put 50 bitcoins in it when it was worthless and it got lost in the shuffle. It would be wuite the pay day but i would rather have drug money then do that. I can't litter and then sleep at night this would drive me to suicide.
    Not really. Well maybe. Im not f I nding out is all i know

  22. #14
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    Quote {The heads that read the platter float less than 5 nanometers above the platter. To put this is prospective a single fingerprint has a thickness of over 12,000 nanometers.}

    Somebody told me once ( about 2005 ) that a good comparison is "Its like a 747 flying 2 inches off the ground at full speed, counting the blades of grass as it goes by them".

    Some hard drives write on more than one disc, and both sides of them, at the same time.
    So it might be reading a string of bits the circumference of its track, and 8 strings at the same time.
    Then the computer/hard drive board, re arranges them into the right order, into one long string of bits, and then sends them off to the main motherboard.

    Sorta like simultaneously reading 8 pages of a book at once and compiling them into order in your brain.

    If one of those discs is even one bit out from the others, its not gonna work...

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  24. #15
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    The bay has definitely slowed on platters that actually sell. Market has been flooded.

  25. #16
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    i am an it tech and take hard drives for free to destroy since sometimes i make profit from them

    to safely wipe them, if its dead, you need to open the drive, take each platter and run a metal screw driver over it until theres lines deep in it meaning it cant be read or fixed, dont listen to google of running a magnet over it i never trust that
    if they work, i have special programs i can give you to wipe them for resale, do not resell them with out wiping them this way or they arent really wiped and can be recovered easly
    the way i wipe them even the government cant restore it

  26. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by quazimoto View Post
    Once you remove the platters off the spindle you have a better chance playing the lottery than recovering the information on those platters. To add to the problem if a smoke particle or one particle of dust were to be on the platter when trying to rebuild and read the disk would crash the head.The heads that read the platter float less than 5 nanometers above the platter. To put this is prospective a single fingerprint has a thickness of over 12,000 nanometers.

    as an it tech i have to go against this. itis still easly recoverable expecialy by the government
    as an it tech, i take hard drives now for free rather then charging and i garantee i will destroy them
    i have custom programs which wipe hard drives to even the government cant get the files back
    at that point, i can sell them
    all the time i come across dead hard drives
    at that point, i open them up, take every platter and scratch both sides ontil theres thick indents with scratches meaning sliding a read/write head over it would just rip the sensor off it
    at that point its nolonger recoverable
    DO NOT TRUST THE "rub a strong magnet over it" TRICK

  27. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by hills View Post
    No, the platters aren't like a CD or DVD. Once they're out of a hard drive they're impossible to read.

    A tech would need to be working in a level 3 clean room and know the brand, model #, and exact firmware version of the hard drive that the platter came from to have any hope of recovering data from it.

    Imagine that somebody hands you a box of 100 platters from 20 different drives. Some of the drives had one platter. Other drives had five platters. How would you ever figure out where they came from and in what order in the platter stack they belong ?

    Can you imagine the problems involved ?
    as an it tech reading all these replies pisses me off to hell
    you dont need the brand model number e.t.c to read it, people make and sell recovery devices for drive platters, the government recovers drives to get data all the time
    this is the 3rd time ive explianed so im not explaining everything read my other comments

  28. #19
    CapitalRecovery's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Earther View Post
    I had a guy beg me to lend him hard drives i get. For starters sounds like something inwouldnt do on my death bed and this being a way to another day and then add in i just met this perain and then add in the big old **** no factor and yeah. Come to find out what he wanted to do and im assuming doing on his own accord is searching these hard drives for forgotten bitcoin wallets jn hopes someone made one put 50 bitcoins in it when it was worthless and it got lost in the shuffle. It would be wuite the pay day but i would rather have drug money then do that. I can't litter and then sleep at night this would drive me to suicide.
    Not really. Well maybe. Im not f I nding out is all i know
    Now I could look for bitcoin on them? because if they are on there and I destroy it they are gone forever right?

  29. #20
    hills's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LamoidTheScrapper View Post
    as an it tech reading all these replies pisses me off to hell
    you dont need the brand model number e.t.c to read it, people make and sell recovery devices for drive platters, the government recovers drives to get data all the time
    this is the 3rd time ive explianed so im not explaining everything read my other comments
    You know how it is with IT. It's all reason and logic. Emotions don't enter into the mix when you're problem solving.

    Maybe you're pissed off because you feel it's messin' with your moneymaker ?

    Bear in mind ... we're talking about the technical problems involved with recovering data directly from a platter.

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