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Aloha scrap daddies and momma's!

| General Electronics Recycling
  1. #1
    Enoch43 started this thread.
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    Thumbs up Aloha scrap daddies and momma's!

    I haven't posted in awhile, but rest assured I have had busy screwdrivers and a filling and emptying tote of boards throughout.

    Posting because, I have been working full time lately..not for myself, but as a teardown guy for my friendly local R2/RIOS certified tech recycler.

    I have been meaning to check in for a bit because I think I can maybe help ya'll with cold hard data on occasion. For example, I recently sat on a couple days worth of CD/DVD drives until I had 200 of them. Here are my findings...

    200 CD/DVD drives. Mixed vintage over a two decade timeframe. Slightly more IDE than I usually see.

    11 drives contained media (Important to me because I must remove and secure any data I discover per R2. Instead of typically taking out the two back screws and bending up the cover to pull the board I remove all screws to pop the casing off and recover the disk, adding time to the process.)

    58min 30sec to complete 200 drives, with 23lbs of CD/DVD board recovered.

    Anyway, things are going well! I get paid by the lb instead of hourly, unlike most people at my place of employment. I usually work 32-35 hours a week and produce 600-800lbs of boards (mobo, finger, ancillary, drive, telcom, etc) depending on the material I am working with. I get paid for all mid and higher boards but nothing for power supplies, metal, wire, RAM, and CPU's. It is nice doing something I am familiar with and not dealing with procuring and offloading material, and having a somewhat predictable wage. Hit me up with any questions, comments, or data requests!

    Last thing. Big Ups to SLEDGE for setting me up with the recycler who now employs me.

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