Hi all
I just got 150 or so desktops from a neighbor for cheap.
Also got about another 50 that I accumulated over time.
Ewaste is not my day job, so I kept collecting until now.
Figured I put in a few Saturdays and get this done.
Trying to figure out a cost effective way to ship this.
FedEx and UPS are insane. Even with my basic fedEx account they want to charge me about $1.50 per lbs from 95205 CA to any OH zip. I could not find ewasteds zip code, so i just picked any zip from Akron I could find.
I could palletize it, but do not have a lift gate or
forklift to get it onto a truck.
So not sure if LTL shipping is a viable option.
Any suggestions?
I checked the 150 desktops. All from a server setup. No OS but all have HD, MB and memory.
Only thing worth anything are the Rms at about $15 for a pack of 3 on
ebay. Rest likely all scrap.
Thanks in advance.