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Electronic board - looks low grade?

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  1. #1
    WhiteSquirrel started this thread.
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    Electronic board - looks low grade?

    Hey again all.

    Just finished doing a tear down of some electronics I got from a large gen set. Played around with an epoxied voltage converter that I decided was not something for me (posted about it earlier), and the board from the controller looks like it's garbage - but I have 0 experience with electronics, mostly larger base metals. I'm not planning on accumulating too many electronics so don't mind if I end up ruining this one, but was wondering if anyone could help identify or comment on the board.

    I have about 6 scrap laptops I'm debating having fun with stripping and playing around with precious metal extraction, or selling them as-is. Having you knowledgeable folks talk about it might help get my interest going in eWaste. Always some good info that comes out of here!

  2. #2
    kss's Avatar
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    Will watch the full vid tomorrow but I just flipped through the video, the green boards (green on both sides) are mid grade, probably worth ~0.40/lb - $2/lb depending on where you take it/send it, and how they grade it..... If its nothing you plan to do in any bulk, I would probably say just throw that board in with your shred/light iron pile and move on, but if you think youll be getting a lot of electronics scrap, start a bin of similar mid grade board for later, for when you have enough to take somewhere or mail off on a pallet.

    The 6 laptops you have, value all depends on what they are. IF they are new-ish they could have more than scrap value of $100+, but my guess is they are probably scrap laptops, so probably worth ~$5-10 each if fully taken apart and sorted properly and sent to the right buyer.

    Both of those are probably not enough money to be worth spending a bunch of time on but if you are interested there is a ton more info in the forums and I could expand a ton more, but just giving you the jist/and idea.

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  4. #3
    WhiteSquirrel started this thread.
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    Thanks, that's pretty much the what I was looking for. Won't hurt me to throw them in a bin for a little while in case I run into more. I'd like to try some silver recovery, just cause it looks like a fun project, but as of right now it doesn't look like it's on my radar for profitability. I think i'll start reading up on some older posts and see where that leads me.

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