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Hi all, I'm new to the forum and have read many of the threads about tvs, but have a question and would love any input. I have acces to about 400 broken flatscreen tvs. I myself have been depopulating circuit boards for gold plating, and other precious metals in hopes to recover it one day down the line. Would you guys who scrap for a living even mess with the lot, or would the boards untouched have any real value? The large majority of the tvs work by my understanding, but none have screens. What do you think would be the best course of action, or would most not even touch the job to begin with?
In my state throwing away TVs is illegal, the must be sent to somewhere to be "recycled". This also means that scrapyards near me cannot take them either, and at least the ones Ive been to actually enforce that and not let you put the tv in the scrap pile if they see it. So I do not take TVs as there is no where for me to get rid of them after getting the valuable out.
These types of policies I feel like only encourage public dumping and makes things worse, but that is just how it is by me. So I dont touch TVs with a 10ft pole.
In other parts of the country where you are allowed to just landfill the remnants, you may be able to make some money, Id feel bad sending that much stuff to the landfill though.
Really though, if you have a way to get rid of the leftover plastics and non-metal screen parts, you could get the circuit boards, wires, speakers, metal frame, etc out of the tvs and probably make decent money. For me though figuring out what to do with the plastics and the screen part is too much of a pain to be worth it for me.