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Quick question on IC chips

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    PartTimeScrapper started this thread.
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    Quick question on IC chips

    I came across some old computers a couple days ago and need to know if its best to take off the removable chips or just leave them on the boards? I saw the one post in archives about the rare 4004 chips and stuff so I looked at what I had and no luck there. But is there a higher price paid for just the removable chips?
    Here is a couple pics of what im talking about.

    Cool while I was waiting for thse pics to upload I found this under a cover.

    I know its a processor but not one im familiar with. says copyright '82 '85 on it.

    From my computer know how im guessing this is a 286 processor but this is the first time ive seen one. Pretty cool.

  2. #2
    metal gypsy's Avatar
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    I pulled all of these from mother-boards and pci-boards. The 3 white in upper left came from a 76' Thomas organ. These chips came out of "removable"sockets.
    trying to research these as well........flea-bay has quite a few, most are new, prices vary.

  3. #3
    PartTimeScrapper started this thread.
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    Yeah Im more curious of scrap value then ebay. If I find a rare one then ill ebay it. Was jsut curious if the non gold IC chips sell to scrappers like easy for more money if they are seperated? If im not mistakin these would qualify as high grade boards at $3.50 -$4.00 per LB. BUt hat would a pound of just the IC chips be worth?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by PartTimeScrapper View Post
    From my computer know how im guessing this is a 286 processor but this is the first time ive seen one. Pretty cool.
    It is indeed an 80286 processor. Nothing special though. Value to a computer collector is maybe ten or twenty dollars at most.

    The IC chips actually fall into their own category - I've seen prices up to $6/lb being paid.

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    PartTimeScrapper started this thread.
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    Well then at $6/lb it is worth to pull them all off and sell the board as a high grade finger board. Thanks for the info billiard.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by metal gypsy View Post
    I pulled all of these from mother-boards and pci-boards. The 3 white in upper left came from a 76' Thomas organ. These chips came out of "removable"sockets.
    trying to research these as well
    Most of these are bios chips. These are the first thing a computer reads as it boots. The bios contains the boot strap program that gets the computer going. No real value in these chips other then the gold content. Around $6 / lb, but i would just leave them in and sell the whole board... I guess it's up to the time you have.

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    If those chips are considered "memory chips" then you could put them in with your memory sticks when you sell those. Easy pays up to $12. lb for memory according to his list. There is gold fingers on the boards, so those should be listed as hi grade with or without the chips.
    Last edited by Mechanic688; 08-14-2011 at 12:01 AM.

  9. #8
    PartTimeScrapper started this thread.
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    OK lets try this again. I really want to get the most out of every board I can and untill I found this website i was selling my bards for $2.00 / LB. This is why after looking at easy payout and payouts its got me wondering how far to break these boards down. It really only applies to the older stuff since the newer stuff doesnt have these removable chips other then processor.

    SO my main question is this and sorry if it seems like im asking the same thing I just want to be sure. None of these chips have gold pins they are all silver. These are all IC chips and sell for $6.00/LB? Im not worries about time I do this as a hobby and I have 2 kids that like to help me and Im always looking for easy stuff for them to do.

  10. #9
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    All these chips would be considered ICs and go for the $6 / lb, even the square bios chips the other poster showed here. The board would be motherboard grade at $4.50 / lb. I would ask the owner of board sort if they had any problem with you separating these chips from the boards.... He doesn't take de-populated boards since there is very little left for him in them. Now, this board without chips would still have the zif sockets and the isa slots. The isa slots have gold connectors in them, so this may still be considered high grade.

    Your best bet would be to zip the web site an email asking him if there is any problem removing them and if it does in fact degrade the value of the board if you do.

    I don't send this site my low grade boards or my floppies or power supplies just because shipping would be more then the payout would be. I would loose money. I wish I lived closer then I would just drive them to him and save on shipping. I have heard of people taking loads and getting paid thousands.

    Here's a link from the other board where I saw this info. Hopefully this doesn't step on anyone's toes.

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    PartTimeScrapper started this thread.
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    Yeah i allready shot him an email. Im waiting for his responce. Thanks for the info wdaddy. I would think after shipping and paypal fees nothing less then $4/LB would be worth shipping. Seeing that I live in denver im sure mass quantities of stuff would be cheaper to ship to easy rather then boardsort. But again thanks for th info.

  12. #11
    dherik's Avatar
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    Ebay you should be able to expect at least 25 a lb for older IC chips.

    Here's an example of 17oz of old Intel chips I sold for 32.99. Sold 3 sets chips last week for 33.

  13. #12
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    The problem with the above example is these chips sell for $9 new each, so 81 would be $729. If you are someone into electronics and need the Erasable PROMs for your projects, buying this lot would make sense, Even if only half of them were still in working condition. When I was in electronics (high school, Army, and College) we used these to build very simple computers. You can build controllers with them. They fit in removable sockets and can be erased many times over with UV light.

    I'm not saying ebay is a bad place to sell things. Some times memory and processors go for crazy prices. Just don't be disappointed. There may be more to the story then just a pile of chips.
    Last edited by wdaddy; 08-15-2011 at 07:13 AM.

  14. #13
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    I do not pay more for the chips outside of the board so I would just leave them in.

    There are some yards that will pay more for them but the amount of time it takes to pop each one save them up until you have some weight only to make a few more not worth my time an that is why I do not an will not pay more for them. Don't want to tie money and time into something that has low profit.

  15. #14
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    to cut down on shipping cost just what can be removed from the board, and not drop the value, but drasticaly drop the weight. is it just the bare board that has value or the board including all the little cipaciters etc.?

  16. #15
    dherik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post
    to cut down on shipping cost just what can be removed from the board, and not drop the value, but drasticaly drop the weight. is it just the bare board that has value or the board including all the little cipaciters etc.?
    If you're cutting shipping weight you're also cutting your sale weight. Most capacitors are aluminum and weigh grams. If you're shipping something I would try to fit it into a flat rate box.

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  18. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post
    to cut down on shipping cost just what can be removed from the board, and not drop the value, but drasticaly drop the weight. is it just the bare board that has value or the board including all the little cipaciters etc.?
    You want to leave as much stuff on there to ADD weight...why remove weight from the baords if I will buy it with it on there at the same price?

    Just take the memory and cpu out..dont put the big huge heat sink back on an ship the board to me. You can jam them into the box if you need to.

  19. #17
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    I agree with easy. Just the memory and cpu. The rest goes into the motherboard box as is. Less work and more weight. That's how buyers expect them so that's how they get them. If a person wanted to get really into it, pulling jumpers, batteries, screws, standoffs and little things like that sometimes brings a few bucks on ebay... but I don't bother with that.

    On another note, standoffs on lots of cases are brass.. if you want to go through the work to unscrew them.

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    PartTimeScrapper started this thread.
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    Thanks for all the info. I have my daughter who is 15 that I can make take all the chips off. Not much to get hurt on just removing chips and her labor is free. She loves to help me but I dont want her tearing apart monitors. I let her strip wire and that stuff but thats about it. Thanks again for all the info though it helped a bunch.

  21. #19
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    I have my daughter who is 15,
    and her labor is free.
    Oh, no it isn't. She's a teenage girl, it'll cost you plenty as they get older,,,lol

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    LOL Aint that the truth. Thats why imputtung her to work now. She goes for her permit next week.

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