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HP tube type monitor break down $

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  1. #1
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    HP tube type monitor break down $

    since my busy life is so filled with thrills these days, I desided to qnswer the queation my self.

    later model HP monitor large:

    copper @ $3.00 ,bare #2 29, oz = $5.7345

    heat sinks ALU 9 oz @ .71 = .399

    copper #2 ins 3 oz @ $1.25 + .08

    ALU sheet @ .55 3 oz = .10

    Brass @ $2.25 1 oz = .14

    sheet copper 1 g

    light steel @.10 = .50

    total $$6.6565

    this price is based on breaking down all copper to bare #2

    hey easy howd ya say that monitor thingie worked ?
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 08-28-2011 at 04:11 PM.

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  3. #2
    TheHoss's Avatar
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    That sounds about right buddy. I break down monitors and tv's for most of my income. I get between $4-$13 a monitor.

    I didnt know that their was brass in monitors. Granted doesnt look like their was a whole lot, what the heck is brass in a monitor?

  4. #3
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    kinda hard to explain

    first i have seen. found it above the collar connecting, the fine bare wire together. this one also had some copper strips arround the two big transformer like thingies. the ones with the yellow tape. it had 2 degasing cables. one big and one half that size.
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 08-28-2011 at 10:03 PM.

  5. #4
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    I could be mistaken, I think the screws that secure the glass to the front panel of the plastic housing, aren't they brass also, at least in some cases?

    Also the sheet copper, is that the thin small copper tabs, attached to the Alum. Sheet? And do you sell that with your #2 copper or does it get priced different?

  6. #5
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    My yard pays thincopper sheet price for those thngs. Price is a little better then copper #2 at my yard.

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