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How much $ in a breakdown of computer

| General Electronics Recycling
  1. #1
    scrapman15 started this thread.
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    How much $ in a breakdown of computer

    Anyone ever figured out exact weights and values from breaking down a computer. I have alot of computers I have been breaking down but I haven't weighed anything yet (i dont have a scale)and I keep getting questions about how much I make off of them. Either way I hope its worth it. Thanks everyone.

  2. #2
    parrothead's Avatar
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    It is worth it if you pay the right amount for it. Trouble is, every computer weighs differently, as do their internal components. I was organising yesterday and for the heck of it, I weighed a few power supplies. I got anywhere from just under a pound up to almost 2 1/2 pounds per. There is a vast difference.

    If you can, try and get a postal scale.

  3. #3
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Parttimescrapper just posted one not even 12 hrs ago.
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  5. #4
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    Yes its worth it.

    If you take the running avg of a computer thats whole (nothing was removed before you got it) you will make around 16 to 17 each not counting the steel case. Now since the gold drop that may of changed to 14 to 16 each based on what kind of items you remove.

    Keep an eye out for the coated copper heat sinks.
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  7. #5
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    Hello all.
    New to this hobby?
    From all the information on this sight I am getting an idea of what to do with a computor. But I have some old fire panels and phone systems that have been removed. How do I grade these parts. Some have fingers and some have e-proms. Live in the DFW area. So easyrecycle you may be of help.

  8. #6
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    I have question about a board. It has fingers but it is a power supply. Do I cut off the fingers and strip it like a pc power supply or leave it intact? How do you post pictures here? A picture would help I think. Thank you

  9. #7
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Quote Originally Posted by lowridr View Post
    Hello all.
    New to this hobby?
    From all the information on this sight I am getting an idea of what to do with a computor. But I have some old fire panels and phone systems that have been removed. How do I grade these parts. Some have fingers and some have e-proms. Live in the DFW area. So easyrecycle you may be of help.
    We should meet and I can show you all the grades and what each one is worth. This will be worth far more than typing/photos since you are in the DFW. Send me a pm and we will work out a date for you to come up here.

    Quote Originally Posted by lowridr View Post
    I have question about a board. It has fingers but it is a power supply. Do I cut off the fingers and strip it like a pc power supply or leave it intact? How do you post pictures here? A picture would help I think. Thank you
    If its a power suppy...cut the fingers and toss into low grade boards.

    Some low grade boards have gold fingers...I trim them and toss them.

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