Ok, the idea is to let my son handle the esscrap part of the business but I will help him bird dog for computers etc. In talking to a client that I have worked with for years whose wife is a physician I mention that I am getting my son involved with ewaste. He has no clue but I explain and he indicated that when his wife moved into recent medical facility there was a closet full of computers and servers. He hired part of the moving crew to clobber the computers etc. with a shovel and ruin the hard drive and the balance was pitched into the dumpster because he was rightfully concerned about privacy concerns and patienc information etc.I wonder how many times that has been done. he went on to mention that he had computers in the attic for same reason.

Now I am sure that this is a computer escrap 101 quetion but am not naive enough to post this without having tried to research though the archives. However did not find relevant information after entering search criteria such as hard drives, privacy concerns, legal issues and others.

So if someone could give the correct search criterias I will do my homework or if someone would like to volunteer the information It would be appreciated.