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Newbie advice needed pls

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  1. #1
    bigstan started this thread.
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    Newbie advice needed pls

    Hi everyone I have been silently lurking the forums for the past 2 weeks trying to learn everything I can and want to say thanks to everyone here. This is great site. Ok so now to my question.
    I have an opportunity to pick up 888 crt monitors (without power supply cord it looks like) for 150$. From what i have gathered from my research is that it would be A) very labor intensive work,B) have a lot of waste and C) be hard to properlly dspose of the glass.
    I am unemployed right now but want to take scrapping on full time eventually so i dont mind breaking down the monitors. I have nothing but time. I have yet to find a place to take the plastic locally but that shouldnt be to hard to find and as for the glass my county has drop off locations for hazardous chemicals and electronics on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd sat of the month so im hoping that solves that problem. The load is made up of 23 pallets and we can get 2 pallets in the bed of truck and 1 in the trailer. So that is 8 trips so i need to calculate gas mileage and costs into my plan as well as gas to dump glass and plastic as well as trip to yard with the copper, aluminum ,etc. Not sure what to do with the low grade boards yet.
    Now on other posts i have seen 4.80 to 7$ a monitor if those numbers are close to reality than i see profits here 888x4= 4440. Im thinking this could possibly fund me a nice cheap work truck to get my business started.
    Is this plan realistic? or am i greatly underestimating the amount of time,effort or anything here. And advice would be greatly appreciated and keep in mind im a newbie at this. Thanks!

  2. #2
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    Be certain before you move on this thing. Make certain you can show up with 800 crt's at the county site. I know you may only show up with 50 at a time but you need to be sure you can. You could be stuck with a lot of stuff. Read more on this site about the safe way to disassemble crts/tvs. There are some videos on youtube. Pay attention to the use of a grounding/shorting cable to discharge the tube. Not a joke.

    I would most likely reassemble the crts and dispose of them whole thus eliminating finding a place to get rid of your "small" amout of plastic. It seems plastic recyclers demand tons at a time. I don't want to discourage you on the plastic thing just offering an alternative.

    I think taking the crts off the hands of who ever has them should be happy if you take them for free. Just my opinion.

    You might want to try driving around your area looking for scrap metal and starting that way. Again read more here, Mike.

  3. #3
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    +1 on Mike's post. Good opportunity that could go south if everything doesn't fall into place...check copper prices at the yard you will be using.
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  4. #4
    Filthy's Avatar
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    if they dont have cords, how do you know they haven't already been stripped? i would hate to be stuck with 800+ empty monitor shells and have to pay hazmat to get rid of them. *shudder
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  6. #5
    bigstan started this thread.
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    ty for the input guys. good points. I like idea of reassembling them and i am currently waiting to hear from local company that will pick up monitors for free as long as it is 25 or more. Dont know yet about how they would feel about 800.. so will definitely hold off until i know for certain. Now as far as them being already stripped that is also a valid concern and the warehouse they are beign held in will allow me to preview the lot before i pickup so i will do that if i decide to move forward with this. Also driving around town looking for scrap is the plan but I need to get my liscence reinstated 800$ and then i would like to get a cheap truck) and so i was hoping maybe this could help with those costs.

  7. #6
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Does local company that you want to pick up from you know they are going to be stripped?

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  9. #7
    bigstan started this thread.
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    Well looking closer the power cords are there so that is a plus and best deal i have found thus far is 3.50 BB 2.95 #1 2.85#2. In reply to your next question no they dont know they are going to be stripped yet, but i will tell them and go from there. My next question is given copper price and assuming i find a free way of getting rid of the empty shells, and the monitors are in fact not already stripped, does this seem like something i could pull off?

  10. #8
    Filthy's Avatar
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    you said you had the time, so i would imagine you could. how are you going to move them? 25 at a time in a pickup truck or what? do you have storage space for all of them where you will be breaking them down? do you have to get rid of them all at once, or can you get rid of them in smaller lots of say, 50 at a time?

    your workspace/equipment restrictions are the biggest factor when considering this operation... that is, assuming the things you just said to be true, like the company taking them from you would accept empty shells and such

  11. #9
    bigstan started this thread.
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    Thanks for your feedback. Well there are 23 pallets of them and i would have ten business days to have them completely removed from the wharehouse. On my partners truck/trailer we could get 3 pallets at a time and i would breakdown three pallets a day if thats possible, something like that. My friend has a big yard as well, if extra space is needed. But ya this would be a big operation, thats a lot of monitors man. Kinda of intimidating for my first scrapping operation, but for 150.00$ investment or possibly free its seems like a good risk provided i can work out getting rid of the waste.

  12. #10
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    Dont forget to pay taxes on the earnings... if the scrap yard(s) get audited they go down the chain.
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  14. #11
    bigstan started this thread.
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    will do. thanks didnt even think about that.

  15. #12
    Midnight's Avatar
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    If you can get all the other factors listed above in order, I would check into renting a box truck and getting it all in one load. It will save you time and you may come out ahead in gas money.

  16. #13
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    I would check into renting a box truck and getting it all in one load. It will save you time and you may come out ahead in gas money.
    We rented a 23 footer when we took a load of about 300 mixed size tv's from that ole warehouse and it was a full load. He'll have to make a couple of trips even then. Our truck was kinda squatting.
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  17. #14
    bigstan started this thread.
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    Ya total load weight is 39,000 pounds, but main issue is i dont really have the space to have 23 pallets laying around. I mean i suppose we could if we ultimately had to but I think grabbing in them in smaller loads is the best way for me to do it right now. Still waiting for a response from the company on if they will pick the shells im on standby right now.They have drop off locations at different storage units around town, but the one lady said she could only take about 20 at a time every 2 weeks. So if the other places will do the same I can get rid of them like that, but that might cost a lot of gas and time.

  18. #15
    Mick's Avatar
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    Stan, what state are you located? Maybe somebody here could work a deal with you.
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  19. #16
    High Voltage Processing's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ewasted View Post
    Dont forget to pay taxes on the earnings... if the scrap yard(s) get audited they go down the chain.
    Very true! I have seen it happen last year. Not pretty for those involved. I was in the clear on the audit but I heard from a few clients who were not happy campers soon after.
    Jim Dwyer
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  20. #17
    bigstan started this thread.
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    Im out in Florida. Tampa/Brandon/valrico to be more specific. As far as my big monitor deal, it didnt happen, which is fine I guess. I'm still having trouble locating a company that will willingly recycle the glass for free, but i know that someone has to be doing it because there are tons of em out there still. There are places that will take a small amount but with that many 800+ I'm not going to be running all over town droppin 20 at a time, not worth it. So i will continue my research and look for a way to deal with that glass. There are a bunch more to be available in 2 weeks if I choose to continue pursuing that. So i was a little disappointed not making the deal go thru cause i saw a good potential for profit there, but i took Miked's advice and me and my girl hopped in our car( as mentioned before I still cant drive) and within 20 minutes found 3 tvs and some steel not much but the car was full. So i got some practice at stripping tvs and a nice lil chunk of copper. That and a friend is moving and says I can have whatever I want that he dont need and hes trying to move with as little as possible, so things are looking up and life is good. Oh ya if there are any ecrap guys in the Fl area I would like to get your info. Once again, ty to all for your input.

  21. #18
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    check your local goodwill if you havnt allready they take all of mine and I take pickup truck loads at a time.

  22. #19
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    Good job on the finding something to scrap. Experince is always the best teacher. Sometimes she gets out the ruler and smacks your knuckles or a bit lower. Best of luck and keep trying, Mike.

  23. #20
    Scrapette's Avatar
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    What was said above about discharging the electricity from a crt is also true of a tv I think, best to check it out - good luck!
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