Be certain before you move on this thing. Make certain you can show up with 800 crt's at the county site. I know you may only show up with 50 at a time but you need to be sure you can. You could be stuck with a lot of stuff. Read more on this site about the safe way to disassemble crts/tvs. There are some videos on youtube. Pay attention to the use of a grounding/shorting cable to discharge the tube. Not a joke.
I would most likely reassemble the crts and dispose of them whole thus eliminating finding a place to get rid of your "small" amout of plastic. It seems plastic recyclers demand tons at a time. I don't want to discourage you on the plastic thing just offering an alternative.
I think taking the crts off the hands of who ever has them should be happy if you take them for free. Just my opinion.
You might want to try driving around your area looking for
scrap metal and starting that way. Again read more here, Mike.