Hey guys, I have a question about old video gmae consols, Ataris and Colecovisions, etc. (sorry if this was ever brought up, i did a search and didn't find anything...)

I used to go to a junkyard to sell my scrap, however since getting into electronics/etc they don't accept any of it, so bye bye for me!

Anyway, upon talking to a scrapper friend of mine, he told me where to go, and how they grade. Motherboards, computer cards, etc are considered "A" board. TV/cheap electroics/etc boards are considered "B" boards. But he also told me, if I ever come across any Atari's or Colecovisions to take the boards out and guard them with my life, as they are considered "blue" boards and are worth a lot more than even "A" boards...

Well lo-and-behold I was offered two ataris, one Intellevision 2, and a prehistoric pong-like game which are currently in a box in my garage. I don't know if they work, and I was wondering if the claim about the boards was true...or if i should try to test them and craigslist them, or just say forget it and tear them apart...any help/advice would be appreciated...thanks...