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Is it worth it??/ Tv board ??

| General Electronics Recycling
  1. #1
    ozzy214 started this thread.
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    Is it worth it??/ Tv board ??

    I was studying the tv boards. I know they are low grade and throw it with my shred. I do get a lot of dirty looks about it, but oh well. But anyway trying to max the dollar return.

    Do you think its worth it to pull the ic chips? I know they are like 6 bucks per lb, but how many really does it take to make a lb? I been heating the board with a propane torch which softens the solder to remove them, but some of them get destroyed in the process. Will them take it mangled? Maybe I should try something like a grinder instead...hmm.

    Also I noticed a lot of solder covered brass like where the pins meet the tube part.

    Is it really worth the time and aggravation to pull them?

    Just curious. Im running out of scrap or hard to find, so I take what I can get. But I figure its like 100 tvs just to make 50 bucks. So trying to figure out what to do and what not to do.

    Hell just realized some alu heatsinks I was throwing in the alu bucket, was actually tin coated copper lol.

  2. #2
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Use a 1 inch wood chisel and hammer to knock them off much easier and no fumes.

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  4. #3
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Yep, those fumes can be dangerous,
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  5. #4
    ozzy214 started this thread.
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    A wood chisel. Now thats a idea. Thanks....I didnt think of that. Crap now I will have to dig out all the boards I just did

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