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my pile

| General Electronics Recycling
  1. #1
    heeroyue2002 started this thread.
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    fresno, california
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    my pile

    this is my pile thus far. it was all left over from when i used to fix pc's. i took them all apart. it was actually about 400 towers before but when the metal thieves raided my yard and garage they took a large amount of them along with half my truck parts and tools. think in the end i only had 15-25 towers to break down.

    Motherboards i believe is 24 pounds
    my other bucket is a mix of PCI cards, ram and the boards i pulled off of cd drives and
    floppy drives. all the DVD burners i kept on the side. 12 pounds.

    do i move those boards elsewhere?
    are my MB boards still the high grade? think they just have cpu and sink off.

    oh also what pile does this go on.

    i also have these. what do i do with em. disassemble? This one i loved but it just didnt turn on one day.

    and this one was a month old and my 2 yr old niece dropped it on herself.

  2. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

    Member since
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    Rochester NY
    Thanked 526 Times in 238 Posts
    1. Your motherboards are motherboard grade, not high grade.
    2. Leave the heat sinks on the boards. They are worth $4+ per pound on or $0.50 off
    3. Your ram, pci cards, hard drive boards are all worth different values. Separate then into different bins.
    4. Floppy disk board is considered low grade. You will find the occasional one that is considered mother board grade but they are few and far between. Snap off the gold pin connector throw that in a separate box and the rest of the board in the low grade.
    5. As long as the screens arnt cracked leave them whole. Your buyer will buy them for 3-10 bucks depending on size and condition.
    6. your 3rd pic down is considered medium grade. Place that in it's own bucket.

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