this is my pile thus far. it was all left over from when i used to fix pc's. i took them all apart. it was actually about 400 towers before but when the metal thieves raided my yard and garage they took a large amount of them along with half my truck parts and tools. think in the end i only had 15-25 towers to break down.
Motherboards i believe is 24 pounds
my other bucket is a mix of PCI cards, ram and the boards i pulled off of cd drives and
floppy drives. all the DVD burners i kept on the side. 12 pounds.
do i move those boards elsewhere?
are my MB boards still the high grade? think they just have cpu and sink off.
oh also what pile does this go on.
i also have these. what do i do with em. disassemble? This one i loved but it just didnt turn on one day.

and this one was a month old and my 2 yr old niece dropped it on herself.