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I find that amazing it is not legal in NY. It is very comon in the pool grade form as a filter media for pools.
And food grade is sold at feed stores for cheap.
Another good dusting material is Borax, "Boric acid". I am an organic gardener from before it was popular.
I believe you can buy it in NYS but also believe that the pool filter grade is the wrong grade DE for bedbugs.
Speaking of borax, gets rid of ants in a big way! Take an old cottage cheese or margerine container w/lid, poke some holes in the sides mix 1/2 teaspoon borax with 1 cup jelly, set out wherever the ants are bugging you. As long as ants are using it, they will be dying back in the nest, then about a week later...........they are not to be seen. Save this tip for the summer, lol.............IT WORKS!!!!!!!!