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local yard started buying escrap...

| General Electronics Recycling
  1. #1
    Lawn Island Scrapper started this thread.
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    local yard started buying escrap...

    my favorite local yard started buy escrap... they always took electronics/circuit boards but now are specifying and buying computer scrap by the pound.....ive been hoarding most of my escrap and plan on going the ebay route when i get enough, but prices there seem very volatile, and i was hard-up for some cash yesterday so i brought the yard down 7 motherboards (removed heatsinks & cpu's) to see the prices... they paid $3.50/lb , i ended up with $28 & change and they round up to the dollar so an even $29.....was this price good/decent/bad?

  2. #2
    parrothead's Avatar
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    It is decent considering that you do not have to pay for shipping.

  3. #3
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    $3.50 with the gold as low as it is not that the real test is...what would there pricing be when gold is up?

    On a side note. If they do not know much about how the gold market and e-waste market go hand in could mean they will pay a higher price for a longer time until they go to sell and find out they messed up big time. Not all yards know what they are doing when it comes to e-waste. I have a few scrap yards both in the DFW and out of state yards who call me weekly to get the down low on e-waste but then again...I am there buyer.
    My company name was Easy Recycle but has since been closed
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