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Just Lovely!

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  1. #1
    ComputerScrapper started this thread.
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    Just Lovely!

    Well sent my guys on a run today to pick up what was supposed to be 3 gaylords of motherboards....Great, that would have been a massive load.

    Well I got a call when my people got there. Evidently the boxes were all full of low grade brown board.....I told them to put the owner on the phone and I told him that they were not motherboards....Well he told me they were motherboards...Motherboards from televisions. Needless to say I told him that the deal had completely changed and the price would be nowhere near what was stated prior to us getting there....He told me that he was already offered $5 a pound for the material and that my people could get lost...Great, I told them to head back....I told him good luck on finding someone to pay that much for crap board.

  2. #2
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Next he's going to want copper price for aluminum wire...Drag you had to waste the gas and labor.
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  3. #3
    ComputerScrapper started this thread.
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    Luckily my wife was able to schedule two more pickups for the way back so it wasn't a completely wasted trip....Still bites that some people are like that....I know that mistakes are made but this was a big one and to not accept the truth just chapped my substantial rear end.

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  5. #4
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I had a man get kind of mad at me cause he called me from Kalamazoo (about 85 miles from here) and had one big pickup load of office stuff. Computers/copiers/faxes/phones. When I told him I could not justify paying for the computers when I'll have $50. in gas he says "I'll call you back and let you know". Well I'm still waiting on the call holding my breath,,LOL
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  6. #5
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ComputerScrapper View Post
    Well sent my guys on a run today to pick up what was supposed to be 3 gaylords of motherboards....Great, that would have been a massive load.

    Well I got a call when my people got there. Evidently the boxes were all full of low grade brown board.....I told them to put the owner on the phone and I told him that they were not motherboards....Well he told me they were motherboards...Motherboards from televisions. Needless to say I told him that the deal had completely changed and the price would be nowhere near what was stated prior to us getting there....He told me that he was already offered $5 a pound for the material and that my people could get lost...Great, I told them to head back....I told him good luck on finding someone to pay that much for crap board.
    You should have told him to come on this forum, and ask all the valued members what classification tv circuit boards are. When I first found out about ewaste, I was THRILLED, when I thought of all the FREE tv's all the time on craigslist. Then, when I realized that they were low grade or worse, I was less excited, but still have love for all the copper.

    Also, I thought your company did free pickups? Granted, I agree with having to charge...depending on the type of pickup, you have to charge something to cover every day expenses.

    He is a businessman, and he should have had no issues in accepting the changes.

    If you and him had a contract together, that is voiding it.
    George Beale - Founder & President -
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  7. #6
    ComputerScrapper started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post
    You should have told him to come on this forum, and ask all the valued members what classification tv circuit boards are. When I first found out about ewaste, I was THRILLED, when I thought of all the FREE tv's all the time on craigslist. Then, when I realized that they were low grade or worse, I was less excited, but still have love for all the copper.

    Also, I thought your company did free pickups? Granted, I agree with having to charge...depending on the type of pickup, you have to charge something to cover every day expenses.

    He is a businessman, and he should have had no issues in accepting the changes.

    If you and him had a contract together, that is voiding it.
    Right, we do offer free pickups for our customers that are offering whole electronics to us, usually corporate clients that have no interest in selling their items....In this case we had offered to buy the material since it was already dismantled and ready to ship. Of course he was a little off on the actual kind of material he had which I could have even understood. We get that a lot...Someone will call and say "We have 50 Pentium pros" and when I get there it is a box of Pentium 4's.
    The main issue I had with the guy is the fact that he was not willing to accept the fact that it was not highly valuable material. My people had a large check in hand for 3 gaylords of motherboards but they also had a blank check just in case. I would have gladly had them give him another check for the corrected amount but he was bent on the fact that he could get $5 per pound for junk board. One of the times that I wish I could be there to say "I told ya so" to a client.

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  9. #7
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    for the average person. motherboard and circuit board are one and the same.

  10. #8
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    I think I would have handled it a little different. When he said he had a buyer of those boards for $5 a pound. I would have told him ill sell you 5000 pounds of those board for $2 a pound then he can sell them to his buyer for $5 and make a killing.

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