Thank you for this response. I was expecting this forum to be a give and take exchange - a friendly place. A few weeks ago I recommended that all my subscribers check out this forum. I'm really quite shocked by the mostly negative responses I've gotten to such a simple question. I wonder if I should rethink my recommendation?
To answer a few.
Cascade Refining did a lot of my telcom scrap in the 1980s. Since then they've changed hands a few times and I don't believe they are doing
e-scrap refining at all anymore. I haven't yet contacted them, but that's what I gather from their website. I've mostly done my own refining since then. BTW when I dealt with Cascade I did take the leap, pay for independent assays to see how it compared to what I received. I have taken the risks (after doing the research) over and over again for 30 years.
I wrongly assumed that the buyers I see on the internet and some that have responded here were refiners. I see now that they are not refiners but middlemen. Nothing wrong with that. I don't care if middlemen get 1/2 the pie or 3/4th - I just want to know.
>>>>>>>>>> Why are you counting the next guys money? Again, how often do you question the cashier about the profits at walmart on each item?
I don't sell a scam e-book - that would be against everything I believe in. I believe in helping. I haven't put anything in the e-book that I haven't done myself. It is based on my experience in the salvage and recycling business since I began in the early 1980s. I DO pass on what I learn from other folks, tips, etc. to folks that subscribe to my website and blog and who have purchased my e-book. It's very satisfying to hear how I have helped some folks succeed. I do it because I want to help people. Everyday I get emails from folks with questions about some aspect of the business. I spend my time answering what I can and finding the answers to what I don't already know.
>>>>>>>>>> Do you make any money off of the information you provide via website, blog and ebook?
Maybe I'm too thick skinned to recognize "rude" - always a few rude dudes in any business - but I do recognize defensiveness. I was basically trying to find reputable, reliable, honest and open buyers of e-scrap that I could tell my subscribers about. Defensiveness is a BIG turnoff and I certainly would not recommend that any of my subscribers deal with any firm that comes off being defensive. Openness is where it's at.
>>>>>>>>>> You will find reputable, reliable, honest, and open buyers of e scrap here. We are one, but dont take my word for it.
Sounds like this is borderline blackmail - if we dont give you the info you want, then you wont recommend us... as opposed to trying out the various buyers. That is rather reasonable.
Seemed like my question would be easy to answer, but after reading a few responses to my post early today, I've decided to refine a couple of pounds of 386/486 myself and see what I get out of them. Then I can give ome useful information to my subscribers, folks on this forum and other forums, and anyone who reads my blog or website.
>>>>>>>>>> Your question was easily answered - Run your own assays.
If nothing else, I'm beginning to learn who to recommend and who to stay away from and I thank you for that. Thanks too, to the few who offered helpful responses. I hope to be able to help others on this forum with good and helpful answers to their quesions.