Well, you are getting a lot of advice but here are some facts that I can relate
Your biggest trump cared is to pay with a credit card and then contest the payment. You will not lose. You may however be kicked off
ebay and paypal as that flies in the face or what you actually agreed to before they allowed your membership to activate.
Do not threaten or even mention feedback at this stage, it does you no good. Letting the seller know you are not happy was a good first step. Let them suggest a remedy as they will certainly lose 1 round of shipping on the item, maybe more.
You will have to return the item 99.9% of the time. Highly unlikely that ebay/paypal will side with you enough to both refund you and let you keep the item. Use flat rate envelopes/boxes or whatever, you just need to have a delivery conf to prove you sent it back, but you can send it however you want. $30 will ship you 6 flat rate envelopes..........you have to check it out and see what's best.
As for the whole open it up in front of whomever stuff, to try and make a mail fraud case.......forget it, ain't gonna happen unless by some chance the scamster is chronically ripping people off via the mail system. And if you are a seller who would feel that the returned goods are not what you sent originally, well the proof of that is limited to the pictures that were in the listing. It doesn't matter how many other more detailed and ****ing pictures you have on your hard drive. Ebay's stance is pics in the listing only.
Settle for a partial if that will make you happy. If the seller is nasty and uncooperative, file your claim with ebay within 45 days (no reason to go past two weeks however) and paint that suckers feedback several shades of red.
what I am telling you above is stuff I have been through and it seems to me that whenever I end up with a problem as a buyer or a seller...........ebay sucks. But hey, it's the only game of it's kind worth playing. The shame is they know it.