Bought an auction on
ebay for 25 lbs of scrap boards. Thought I might get a deal since it was listed rather poorly and I stumbled upon it. Auctioneer said that the gold fingers had been removed, but l thought that was ok since looking at the small pictures included with the auction, it was mostly motherboards, CD rom boards etc, and I only saw a few items that should have fingers.
With shipping I paid about $60 which was the most I was willing to pay, but I figured I'd make money since I'd just add it to the next lot of stuff I delivered to my buyer and should still make a good $25 minimum for little effort. Had someone not bid at the last second I would have paid about $35 for everything. Oh well.
Turns out that 'fingers removed' meant almost anything gold bearing from the boards had been ripped off. All the slots where cards plug into, CPU slots, etc were ripped off and in addition he included a lot of keyboard, and other mid to way low grade boards that were not originally pictured.
Ohh... and all the items in the boxed weighed 23lbs before I even opened it.
I wrote him demanding a refund, will see if he writes back. He had 1600+ feedback.